Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Having your choice

     How many choices do you make a day for you?  Or does it usually feel like your choice is based upon other people and trying to please them instead of yourself?  How many of your choices have been influenced by other people's agendas or because you don't want to piss anyone off?  How much more fun would life be, given that choice was yours?  Tony Robbins, in Awaken the Giant Within, asks us to ask these questions, "How am I going to live the next ten years of my life?  How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I'm committed to?  What am I going to stand for from now on?"  The choice is ours to create our lives.  How much fun can we have doing that?
     "Different actions produce different results." states Tony.  The actions that you are taking today are shaping your future.  What could you do differently that would be expansive for your future?  Possibly, there is a habit that you'd like to change.  What new experiences could you have without this habit?  Maybe you would like to be a pilot, live on an island, or learn how to cook.  A lot of us make excuses to limit our lives ie. not  enough money or time.  However, these are only limiting you from having more of the life you require.  What choice can you make now to live your dream life?
     As you all know, I want to share Pure Qualities (my self-help program) with others on a massive scale.  I took the time today to contact a lady that I believe has the connections I'm looking for.  I'm super excited!  She wrote me back and has already given me some direction.  What's next?

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