Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 31: The light of God's will (Cleanse, Ford)

     "God has a plan for you, I can promise you that.  It's not that you're special, and it's not that you're not special.  It's that your life is sacred.  There is and always has been a path for your soul, and if you follow that path, it will lead you to the inner utopia that your soul longs to experience in this lifetime." says Debbie as she explains the importance of our existence.   Everything you do not only affects you but everyone else too.  Its similar to the idea that if you share a smile with a stranger then they pass it on and so on. Eventually reaching the other side of the world to a small girl who has just been abandoned by her father who desperately needs to know that there are people who care for her. This may be an extreme example, but you probably get the picture.  All that we do affects everyone else. Your role is important.  Debbie encourages us to follow your path by following God's will for your life and not your ego's will. 
     I had lunch with my mom today and we were discussing that to be truly fulfilled we need to be connected to spirit.  We need to be living in the moment because that is when we are truly connected to all.  Mostly, we need to love ourselves because when we do everything falls into place.  All of your expectations of others giving you what you need (ie. love) falls away because you are fulfilling your own need of love.  When we get our feelings hurt it's usually because we are disappointed in someone for not fulfilling our expectations and need for love.  Instead of relying on someone else for that love why not rely on yourself and your source for that love?  You have the power, right now, to provide for yourself what  you cannot receive from others. 

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