Thursday, February 24, 2011

Feeling Your Power

The Soul of Leadership, Deepak Chopra

     Have you ever been in a place of power?  It usually feels good.  There is power in empowerment and every leader needs power but it is up to the leader to not misuse their power.  Instead of being motivated by the need to be in charge, to control, or to make every decision which will only aid in your eventual downfall, be the first among equals and use your power to inspire others.  Chopra states, "You are made first by embodying more of what everyone desires."
     A leader needs to be trusted.  People want to trust their leaders explains Chopra.  A trusted leader will be open, describing situations realistically and will provide evidence that practical steps are being taken to meet any challenge, showing that as a leader you can be trusted with power.
     I gave a presentation today to all the managers in my company and other "important" people.  I practiced for hours, going over my speech the night before.  At the time of my presentation, my heart was pounding fast. Why was I giving all these leaders power over me?  Why can't I be someone "important" and a leader also?  I knew that I could be and that I am.  I realized the power that I have and how to use that.  I didn't need to be a bully but a confident presenter with important data to present to them.  After this switch in thinking about my power I gave a great presentation.  Two co-workers afterward presented more information and questions to aid me in my research.  They treated me as an equal which gave me more power to feel like an equal.  As, Chopra says, "...empower others by showing them that they are equal."  All it took was a switch in my beliefs and Chopra's book, of what a real leader is and how to use your power.

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