Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Feel Good, Right Now

   Can you, right now, feel good without the use of drugs, alcohol, or food?  These are the common sources to change our state temporarily, however, there are other more positive ways to do this.  Tony Robbins, in Awaken the Giant Within, suggests to write down a list, here's mine:

Listen to upbeat music
Talk to a friend
Take a bike ride
Browse the internet
Research next travel destination

     I'm guilty of eating when I'm bored or nervous.  I am learning that there are other ways to fulfill myself besides self-sabotaging myself.   I notice when I am browsing the internet, planning an event or future trip, or focused on work, food doesn't enter my thoughts.  Interesting.  Plus, it's way more fun and fulfilling to do these activities than to overeat.  What things do you enjoy doing?  What can you do right now to fulfill your inner cravings?

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