Friday, April 5, 2013

Act how you want to feel - Gretchin Rubin Happier at Home

"Although we think we act because of the way we feel, we often feel because of the way we act." 
Gretchin Rubin in Happier at Home.

Usually we act from the way we feel.  If I’m tired from a long day at work I will act tired by lying on the couch.  Rubin says that even though we think we act because of the way we feel, the opposite is true; we feel because of the way we act.  In other words I may perceive my day as difficult and that I should be tired so I act tired, then I feel tired.  In reality I may think that I’m tired but in reality if Nate and I have an obligation that evening and I have to be energetic, then the energy is there.  When I act like I have energy and I’m not tired, then I’m not.  Kind of confusing but it makes sense; act as you want to feel.  Rubin gives us some tips on how to act to feel good.  She says to act light hearted and joke around. For example, her daughter broke a glass; she could have been upset but instead cleaned it up and got another glass for her.  Act as if nothing is a big deal and see how you feel.  Does it make you feel lighter?  Take a positive view on things, explains Rubin.

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