How to deal with disapproval and stop seeking approval from others because you are worthy without anyone's approval: (Wayne Dyer in Your Erroneous Zones)
1. "Generally I would shift my position now in order to get you to like me, but I really believe in what I said, and you'll have to deal with your own feelings about it."
2. Thank them for providing data to help you fulfill your growth, "Thank you for pointing that out." rather than changing your behavior to suit them.
3. Tell yourself it's ok for the other person to have their opinion. It does not affect your own self-worth or approval seeking needs.
4. Ignore disapproval. Simply say, "ok" after a tyriad from someone toward you. Don't feed into their disapproval.
5. Talk to yourself when encountered with disapproval. "This is her stuff. It has nothing to do with me." Disconnect her feelings with your thoughts.
6. Ask this question, "If they agreed with me, would I be better off?" Their opinion of you should not have an effect unless you let it.
7. Trust yourself. When buying clothes or something personal skip on checking with someone else whose opinion you value more than your own. Buy it if you like it (and if it's in your budget).
Everyone is different. We all have different experiences and have different perspectives. It's fun to hear people's opinions and ideas but they don't have to be yours.
I was in a meeting with co-workers and they were complaining about the iPhone and then the cafeteria food at work. Both times I decided to test out my new skills. To both complaints I made a positive comment. This is different than my usual self of agreeing with everyone. It was actually ok. The people were respondent back to me (probably seeking approval themselves from my opinion). It's funny because after my two non approval seeking comments I said a complaint. I made a complaining comment about the brand of someone's computer. It's as if I had to say a complaint so I could have my approval from the group since I had just made two non approval seeking comments. Wayne Dyer says this is a habit and habits can be changed. Keep practicing. LOL!
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