Wayne Dyer in Your Erroneous Zones says human intelligence should be measured on how capable one is to maintaining happiness during stressful or trying situations. It should not be measured in the ability to solve a problem but how one deals with it. Furthermore, he explains that we can control our feelings. They don't just happen to us. Feelings are reactions we choose to have. If I can control my thoughts and my feelings come from my thoughts, then I can control my feelings.
I've been observing my thoughts the last day now. This morning on my 45 minute ride to work I noticed I was thinking about what I was going to pick up from the grocery store during my lunch hour plus other unimportant things. I realized I can change my thoughts, in this moment, to make the best out of this situation. So, I started by saying all the things that I am thankful for. It was early in the morning so it started out like this, "I'm thankful for this car, my vision, my teeth, my legs..." Then, it started getting more serious, "I'm thankful for my mom and how much she cares for me and strives to be a better person every day (something I admire), my sister for her strength and how she is influencing young kids every day in school, my boyfriend for how loving he is to me and how diligent he is to his career, my dad for giving so much of himself to all of his Chiropractic patients" and all the important people in my life. I felt instantly happy and aware of all the blessings in my life. I changed a mundane car ride into a revelation of blessings.
Our thoughts influence our feelings. Thinking about what I'm thankful for made me feel happy instead of thinking of unimportant or negative things. I think that there is always a way to look at the brighter side of any situation and give yourself good feelings to override any bad ones. I have to go to work everyday but I'm thankful I have a paying job. My dad passed away but I'm thankful I had him for 21 years and that he lived his life fully. I am getting oral surgery tomorrow but I'm thankful the technology exists. On and on I can go. It just feels good to look at the brighter side of things. I can control my thoughts. Wayne Dyer says if you can control your thoughts then you can control your feelings because feelings are the results of our thoughts.
A quick side note: If I can change my thoughts this easily to be more positive then I can also help other people's thoughts by encouraging them, giving them compliments or just saying positive things. Someone was complaining about the snow storm we are expecting and I said, "At least it will be one less snow storm before warm weather." We both thought this was a positive way to look at the situation and we both felt happy about this new positive thought.
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