Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 3: Living YOUR life (Dyer)

Each chapter has a set of questions to answer to measure your capacity to live in the moment.  Answer the questions for yourself.  Wayne will dive into changing our thoughts to answering 'yes' to all of these questions.  My answers are in purple. 

Chapter 1:
Do you believe that your mind is your own? Yes but it's very much influenced by others. If my sister doesn't like a shirt I'm wearing then I will feel uncomfortable wearing it or if Nate wants to eat at a different restaurant because he doesn't like the one we are at I will not have as good of a time.

Are you capable of controlling your own feelings? NO! And yes. It depends on the situation and how reactive I am to it. I want to be!  If I feel a personal attack then my pride kicks in and I feel I need to defend myself.  Darn pride!  For example, Nate made a comment about his dislike of television shows preying on woman by catering to their emotions.  We were watching The Biggest Loser and the contestants traveled home to see their families after weeks of being away.  Everyone was crying and hugging.  Nate didn't see the relevance nor the need for the excessive filming of this in relation to the show.  Personally, I don't mind this emotional connection between friends and family, probably because I AM a woman.  I took this as if he was saying that as a woman I was a sucker for liking certain tv shows that prey on woman (or that I am weak because I am a woman).  I took it personally and got mad; my emotions felt uncontrollable.  If it's a situation I've experienced before I am more in control of my feelings because I feel I am able to predict the outcome.  Such as a deadline at work.  I've been through the stressfulness of it before so it's less stressful as the first few times.  I know the outcome already; try your best and don't get stressed.

Are you motivated by your potential for growth, rather than a need to repair your deficiencies? I say I am motivated by my potential and a lot of Pure Qualities (my self-help website) is about reaching our potential by practicing certain qualities in our daily life.  I believe in being motivated by the potential for growth.  On the other hand I really want to repair my deficiencies because I feel that they are bad.

A poem:
I want to travel as far as I can go,
I want to reach the joy that's in my soul,
And change the limitations that I know,
And feel my mind and spirit grow;

I want to live, exist, "to be,"
And hear the truths inside of me.

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