Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 1: Intro to Joyce Meyer (Battlefield of the Mind)

    Joyce Meyer is next!  She is a non-denominational Christian self-help guru.  Don't be alarmed if you are because she has great tools to share on how to be happier and live a more fulfilling life.  Each guru has a different perspective and I think all should be looked at from non-denominational Christian to new-age to regular old joe.  I think that when people hear Christianity and they are not Christian they think, "Don't lecture to me, I don't believe in that stuff."  I can understand that point of view.  I still think Joyce has some good things to say about living life with purpose and passion.  She teaches tools for being happy and having stability in your life from work to home.  I have learned a lot from her teachings.  Her most popular book dives into why we can feel crazy inside and it is because of our thoughts.  She gives tools to realize our thoughts and how they create in us feelings, anxieties, stresses as well as happiness, peace and love.  It's a matter of being aware and changing our thinking patterns.  Once we learn to do this then we can control our feelings and ultimately our actions.

     Joyce Meyer quotes Proverbs 23:7 "As a man thinks in his heart, so does he become."  This is the preface to this whole book. Our thoughts lead to our actions and beliefs. We become our thoughts. The good news is that we can choose our thoughts and therefore control our actions. I first came across this book 5 years ago. I was desperatly seeking some peace of mind because my thoughts kept betraying me. I had no control and I felt depressed. I didn't know I could change my mood or beliefs by changing my thoughts.
     For example, I had depressing thoughts about work such as "It sucks" or "It isn't where I want to be." so I changed it around to "I like getting paid and my job is fun when I'm doing (blank)."  Or instead of saying, "I'm fat."  I changed it to "I'm not as fat as I could be.  I look pretty good."  The point is I didn't realize I was even having the negative, depressing thoughts.  I just let them think without my permission on whether I wanted to be thinking that way.  I began to listen.  Some of the negative thought patterns just need to be retrained.  There is no need for them to control you.  You are empowered to control them and therefore your feelings and your actions.  Super!   Once I began to practice Joyce's tips my life began to change. Same life but different perspective and reaction to circumstances. I became happy and felt alive.

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