Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 6: Think about what you're thinking (Joyce Meyer - Battlefield of the Mind)

     This weekend I moved from one apartment to another one across the street.  The day went quickly, with lot's of people helping.  It was a beautiful day, sunny, low wind.  Once every one was out of the apartment, the boxes were stacked high and I was stressed about where to put everything.  Which cupboard is the best spot for the spices, the plates, the canned food etc?  I didn't realize it until I could actually stop and take a breath.  Well, my thoughts got the best of me.  I broke down, yelled, cried and just felt depressed.  It was at my lowest moment when I heard Joyce Meyer say from the book I am blogging about, Battlefield of the Mind, "Think about what you're thinking about."  You wouldn't believe what I heard.   It's embarrassing to share.  In my "down" moment my thoughts went like this, "I'm so stupid.  I'm not good enough.  Why do I do everything wrong?"  I stopped crying once I started listening.  OMG!  Could you imagine someone, outside of yourself, saying these things to you?  How could I not be crying and feeling depressed?  I decided to experiment and say the opposite of every negative thought even though I wasn't feeling it or believing it at first.  It sounded like this, "I'm smart.  I am good enough.  I do a lot of things right."  I instantly perked up, felt better, and began to smile again.  I think Joyce has nailed this one on the head.  Watch what you are thinking about.  We have the power to change our thoughts and our mood at any time we want to.  Wow!

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