Monday, May 17, 2010

Intermission: I saw Wayne Dyer last night...Inspiring!

     I'm still inspired and moved by Wayne Dyer's presentation last night at Mile Hi Church.  I like how he started out saying that he was purely there because he wanted to be.  That he doesn't need the money or the travel but his passion is to share his message.  His message was thoughtful and personal.  Here is an overview of what he is working on for his next book (I would encourage all to be on the look out for it and to read it):

Seven steps for your wish fulfillment:
1.  Imagination - "Everything that exists was once imagined."  (Wayne Dyer)  Your imagination is your strongest tool for shifting your wishes into reality.

2.  Harden Imagination - "Live from the end." (Wayne Dyer)  Once you have imagined what you want, imagine the outcome or the end and then believe that it will happen.

3.  Attention - Be subjective: Go to the picture you have imagined and believe.  Don't be objective: Thinking that there is nothing that can be done and therefore you cannot believe it will happen.  Ex) Being a millionaire.  You don't think you can get there by being a photographer therefore you never will.  Be subjective instead of objective.  Disregard self-defeating thoughts with "I can do that" thoughts.

4.  Assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled - Really feel the joy, peace, happiness for what you have imagined.

5.  Subconscience mind- It cannot determine between your daily real life experience and your imagination experience.  Ex)  When you are driving it is your subconscience mind doing it mostly while you are thinking, singing to the radio or eating.  You can program this part of your mind and you already have.  You may have a programing that nothing goes right in your life and then it doesn't.  You are spending your thoughts and energy on certain negative things that programs your subconscience mind.  Then, it brings those things into your life.  Retrain you mind so that your subconscience mind will bring into your life what you want it to. 

6.  The last 5 minutes before bed - Think about what you want and let it saturate into your subconscience while you are sleeping.

7.  Natural - Choose things that you want that are a natural thing for you.  Example:  If you are 140 lbs and want to be a line backer for the NFL.  Would that be a natural desire?  Probably not. 

I am going to focus on prosperity, health, relationships and this blog.  My intent is to share this healing and powerful message to everyone while having health and prosperity and loving relationships.  Now, I just need to imagine it and follow Dyer's 7 steps to wish fulfillment!


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