Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 5: Be encouraged and Meditate for strength. (Joyce Meyer- Battlefield of the Mind)

     My favorite question to ask is, "If money didn't matter what would you be doing with your life?"  I haven't come across one person that says, "I would be doing exactly what I'm doing right now, sitting in this cubicle doing paperwork."  Ha!  We all have dreams.  Hopefully, you are at least trying to chase your dream even if it's on the side while doing your "day job".  What about going one step further and believing that your dream will come true?  This could be an NFL football player, a CEO or even a famous author.  Deep in your heart and in your mind you feel that this is your calling and you believe it completely.  You set out to achieve it.  Then, along the way things don't happen the way you expect them to or not as quickly as you would like.  You begin to doubt yourself and your dream ever coming true.  Joyce, in Battlefield of the Mind, says these are "mind binding" attacks and to not believe them but to continue to make your dream a reality.  Decide to believe and don't look back even if you don't "understand why, when or how it would come to pass" in your life.
     I would love to be an author, speaker, and coach to help people through this journey of life.  At times I get super excited that it's going to happen.  I can feel it.  At other times I doubt it.  This is the mind binding spirit attacking my dream.  Why?  Because the mind binding spirit is not interested in our growth forward.  Joyce calls this fellow by the familiar name, "the devil."  How can we fight against it?  Joyce reminds us to pray!  God is here to help us win, we just need to ask.
     Joyce is a non-denominational Christian speaker and the Bible is the basis of all of her teachings.  She says that another way to have strength in times of doubt is to read and meditate on the Bible.  (I would also recommend inspirational, life-changing books.)  An inspirational quote from the Bible to meditate on would be, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."  (1 Peter 5:7)  I just did a google search for inpirational Bible quotes and there are many to mediate on to give strength.  Check out this site.


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