Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 27: Quantum Moments (Dyer-The Shift)

     Wayne Dyer, in The Shift says that when we begin our shift from ambition to ego there will be a quantum moment.    At this moment a tragedy  or disappointment will occur right before the shift.  This happened for a business executive, John, who was consumed with his work and ignored his wife, Shelly, because he was following the desires of his ego to be successful.  Shelly unexpectedly gets pregnant.  They get in a huge fight ending with the threat of divorce because this does not support John's ego's desire.  He believes the baby will only get in the way of his success.  This is the beginning of his shift, his tragedy.  This will be the power he needs to begin his shift, if he chooses.  He is at a shifting point between his ego's drive for success and his spirit's drive for meaning and purpose.  He ponders his life after their fight.  He soon begins to realize that he wants meaning in his life and he makes the shift.  Your shift will have four signs.  It will be:

1. Surprising! Unexpected.
2. Vivid! Memory is clear.
3. Benevolent! A feeling of peace and bliss.
4. Enduring! It never goes away. Whatever the change is.

     At the moment when things go awry and you feel a loss of control.  There is no need to worry.  Right before a quantum moment, this disaster or tragedy occurs but it gives you the power to make the shift to a life of meaning.
     Dyers explains, how life changes after a quantum moment.  A study asked what five values were for men before their quantum change. They are wealth, adventure, achievement, pleasure and being respected. After the shift, they were spirituality, personal peace, family, God's will, and honesty.  It's as if their life had been turned upside down!  For women it's family first.  Then, independence, career, fitting-in, and attractiveness. After the quantum change they were personal growth, self-esteem, spirituality, happiness, and generosity.  You don't have to die to get to that place of purpose or peacefulness you can get there right now by returning to the source here on earth and making the shift.  Nothing is a struggle because source is supporting you.  (Dyer - This Shift)

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