Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 6: The Power of Process (Ford, Shadow)

    Ford speaks in her book about realizing our stories and who we claim to be in order to step out of our story and into who we really are.  Also, she says that our stories have the key to revealing our life's purpose.  We created our stories for a reason.  That is to learn the particular stories that we need to learn in order to deliver our unique contribution to the world.
    How can we find the gift inside the pain?  Ford tells the story of when she was younger she was very skinny.  She hated how she looked and would try to cover up her skinniness by wearing two pairs of pants and poofing her hair.  She realizes now that because of this painful experience she learned a lot about fashion which in her older years helped with her career as a media trainer and image consultant.  Instead of resenting her thinness she was able to embrace the grace and agility of her body.  Ford says that, "Embracing the pain of my past allowed me to transcend the limitations of my story and gave me access to more joy in my life."
     What incident or event from your past is still causing you pain, anger and regret?  I asked myself this question and I was reminded of when my dad was taking care of a boy named Andrew and myself.  He kept playing with Andrew and giving him more attention then I liked.  I felt neglected and not good enough.  I used to get really jealous when a boyfriend or mom/sister would talk to someone else longer then I liked.  Working through this issue I asked myself what my life would be like if I didn't live inside this story.  I realized that I am still just as important as I was before they were paying attention to the other person.  I am still loved the same.  I don't need to live within that story anymore.  What story can you move out of?

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