Thursday, May 27, 2010

A short intermission


I've decided to take two weeks off from blogging.  I will be returning June 15th.

Thank you for reading!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 7: Conditions of the mind (Joyce Meyer - Battlefield of the Mind)

     "In what condition is your mind?" asks Joyce Meyer in Battlefield of the Mind.  At one moment you are peaceful and then another moment anxious.  The mind can be in so many different conditions.  What is normal?  Joyce decides to figure out what the abnormal thinking patterns are in order to immediately deal with them upon their arrival.  Some wrong thinking according to Joyce:  anxious, worried, tormented by fear, judgmental, upset.
     So, when is your mind normal?  Joyce says it is when the mind is at rest, not blank but at rest.  This is when you are not too busy running around, getting things done.  This is when you can truly put those things aside and listen to your true heart's voice (God).  If we are not able to hear then we will miss out on wisdom and revelation. 

Joyce quotes from Isaiah 26:3 about how to have a peaceful mind when in a relationship with God, "You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 6: Think about what you're thinking (Joyce Meyer - Battlefield of the Mind)

     This weekend I moved from one apartment to another one across the street.  The day went quickly, with lot's of people helping.  It was a beautiful day, sunny, low wind.  Once every one was out of the apartment, the boxes were stacked high and I was stressed about where to put everything.  Which cupboard is the best spot for the spices, the plates, the canned food etc?  I didn't realize it until I could actually stop and take a breath.  Well, my thoughts got the best of me.  I broke down, yelled, cried and just felt depressed.  It was at my lowest moment when I heard Joyce Meyer say from the book I am blogging about, Battlefield of the Mind, "Think about what you're thinking about."  You wouldn't believe what I heard.   It's embarrassing to share.  In my "down" moment my thoughts went like this, "I'm so stupid.  I'm not good enough.  Why do I do everything wrong?"  I stopped crying once I started listening.  OMG!  Could you imagine someone, outside of yourself, saying these things to you?  How could I not be crying and feeling depressed?  I decided to experiment and say the opposite of every negative thought even though I wasn't feeling it or believing it at first.  It sounded like this, "I'm smart.  I am good enough.  I do a lot of things right."  I instantly perked up, felt better, and began to smile again.  I think Joyce has nailed this one on the head.  Watch what you are thinking about.  We have the power to change our thoughts and our mood at any time we want to.  Wow!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Walk through the open doors

     I'm leaving my current company and I'm off to the next chapter of my life.  I like to look at my life from the big picture. At the end, what will I remember, what will be the big life-changing events?    We are given this blessing, no miracle, of life to choose what we want to do with it.  We can be a swimmer, a singer, an engineer, a teacher, a bagger at Target, a waitress...Anything you want, you get to choose.  Do you realize that?  Dream big, live big, be big.  From the beginning we are all the same, two legs, two arms, a head etc.  We are able to achieve what we want as long as we can think it up, dream it up first.  There are so many stories of people from all kinds of backgrounds that achieve their dreams.  Why not you?  It's possible.  The big picture.  Fear is the only thing holding most of us back.  Our own made up fear!  The best part is that all we need to do is walk through the open doors.  I put out there that I wanted a job that was closer to home, paid me more, work with kind, friendly, people, and have a purpose.  Then, I got an email to interview.  It took a few months but I kept on believing that my dream would come true even though I didn't know how or when.  Then the doors opened one after another.  I resisted at first because I am happy at my current job but I couldn't ignore the open doors.  I am feeling nervous about the change but I trust in God that it is where my path is leading me to have what I am dreaming of.  That's the great news!  It's easy to follow your purpose in this life.  All you need to do is be aware, dream, and walk through the open doors.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 5: Be encouraged and Meditate for strength. (Joyce Meyer- Battlefield of the Mind)

     My favorite question to ask is, "If money didn't matter what would you be doing with your life?"  I haven't come across one person that says, "I would be doing exactly what I'm doing right now, sitting in this cubicle doing paperwork."  Ha!  We all have dreams.  Hopefully, you are at least trying to chase your dream even if it's on the side while doing your "day job".  What about going one step further and believing that your dream will come true?  This could be an NFL football player, a CEO or even a famous author.  Deep in your heart and in your mind you feel that this is your calling and you believe it completely.  You set out to achieve it.  Then, along the way things don't happen the way you expect them to or not as quickly as you would like.  You begin to doubt yourself and your dream ever coming true.  Joyce, in Battlefield of the Mind, says these are "mind binding" attacks and to not believe them but to continue to make your dream a reality.  Decide to believe and don't look back even if you don't "understand why, when or how it would come to pass" in your life.
     I would love to be an author, speaker, and coach to help people through this journey of life.  At times I get super excited that it's going to happen.  I can feel it.  At other times I doubt it.  This is the mind binding spirit attacking my dream.  Why?  Because the mind binding spirit is not interested in our growth forward.  Joyce calls this fellow by the familiar name, "the devil."  How can we fight against it?  Joyce reminds us to pray!  God is here to help us win, we just need to ask.
     Joyce is a non-denominational Christian speaker and the Bible is the basis of all of her teachings.  She says that another way to have strength in times of doubt is to read and meditate on the Bible.  (I would also recommend inspirational, life-changing books.)  An inspirational quote from the Bible to meditate on would be, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."  (1 Peter 5:7)  I just did a google search for inpirational Bible quotes and there are many to mediate on to give strength.  Check out this site.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 4: Little by little (Be Patient!) and Stay positive! (Meyer-Battlefield of the Mind)

     "The renewing of your mind will take place little by little, so don't be discouraged if progress seems slow."  states Joyce Meyer in Battlefield of the Mind.  I seem to forget this.  When I learn something I don't get it right away.  I even make the same mistake before it finally settles in.  Along the way, though, I get discouraged because I think I should have gotten it the first time.  Nate and I have a safe word, "Portugal" for when one of gets upset about the other one.  We talked about saying it for a few days but I kept forgetting.  Finally, after the fourth day I remembered!  Hallelujah because it worked!  Now that my stubborn mind knows it works, hopefully, it will stick. 
   Unfortunately, when we do get discouraged it brings down our hope.  Without hope we are not motivated to change.  This is the time to examine our thoughts.  Are they positive or negative?  If they are negative, turn them around.  Why?  Because you have the power to!  Joyce says that, "Positive minds produce positive lives.  Negative minds produce negative lives.  Positive thoughts are always full of faith and hope.  Negative thoughts are always full of fear and doubt."  Positive or negative?   You have been empowered to choose!  I vote for faith and hope and a positive mindset.  I have faith that God has my best interest in mind and hope that they will come true.
   I couldn't say it any better than Joyce on why we should be patient and stay positive, "The more positive you and I become, the more we will be in the flow of God.  God is certainly positive, and to flow with Him, we must also be positive."

I'm noticing some major similarities between Wayne Dyer's teaching and Joyce Meyer's; think positively, have hope, imagine what you want, ask, you are not alone. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 3: A Vital Necessity (Meyer - Battlefield of the Mind)

Our outward behavior is only a result of our inner life states Joyce Meyer in her book Battlefield of the Mind.  It's so true.  When I'm feeling down, my thoughts are down too.  Then, my actions are also not the nicest.
     You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.  This can be a tough endeavor at first but realize how vital it is to your well-being and your relationships. One way to begin this process is by "asking God for a lot of help."  One of our weapons for this internal warfare is prayer.  Nate and I have been arguing a lot lately.  Just getting on each other's nerves.  We are in the process of moving.  His contract for work is up for renewal.  I've put in my two weeks at work and am switching jobs.  So, a lot is going on.  I hate the fighting though.  For me, internally, I'm stressed, nervous, apprehensive about all of these life changing events.  I think it's coming out into my external world as Joyce explains.  I will pray for help as she suggests because I do not want to continue this way even if it is only temporary.  I want to be able to still be loving in any situation regardless of what I'm going through.  

Dear God,
I haven't been the nicest person to Nate or even my family.  I am under a lot of uncertainty with everything going on but I do know that you are certain in my life.  I will trust that you have everything under control.  Could you please help me and remind me to be loving when I forget?  Thank you.  

When times get tough keep on going!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Intermission: I saw Wayne Dyer last night...Inspiring!

     I'm still inspired and moved by Wayne Dyer's presentation last night at Mile Hi Church.  I like how he started out saying that he was purely there because he wanted to be.  That he doesn't need the money or the travel but his passion is to share his message.  His message was thoughtful and personal.  Here is an overview of what he is working on for his next book (I would encourage all to be on the look out for it and to read it):

Seven steps for your wish fulfillment:
1.  Imagination - "Everything that exists was once imagined."  (Wayne Dyer)  Your imagination is your strongest tool for shifting your wishes into reality.

2.  Harden Imagination - "Live from the end." (Wayne Dyer)  Once you have imagined what you want, imagine the outcome or the end and then believe that it will happen.

3.  Attention - Be subjective: Go to the picture you have imagined and believe.  Don't be objective: Thinking that there is nothing that can be done and therefore you cannot believe it will happen.  Ex) Being a millionaire.  You don't think you can get there by being a photographer therefore you never will.  Be subjective instead of objective.  Disregard self-defeating thoughts with "I can do that" thoughts.

4.  Assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled - Really feel the joy, peace, happiness for what you have imagined.

5.  Subconscience mind- It cannot determine between your daily real life experience and your imagination experience.  Ex)  When you are driving it is your subconscience mind doing it mostly while you are thinking, singing to the radio or eating.  You can program this part of your mind and you already have.  You may have a programing that nothing goes right in your life and then it doesn't.  You are spending your thoughts and energy on certain negative things that programs your subconscience mind.  Then, it brings those things into your life.  Retrain you mind so that your subconscience mind will bring into your life what you want it to. 

6.  The last 5 minutes before bed - Think about what you want and let it saturate into your subconscience while you are sleeping.

7.  Natural - Choose things that you want that are a natural thing for you.  Example:  If you are 140 lbs and want to be a line backer for the NFL.  Would that be a natural desire?  Probably not. 

I am going to focus on prosperity, health, relationships and this blog.  My intent is to share this healing and powerful message to everyone while having health and prosperity and loving relationships.  Now, I just need to imagine it and follow Dyer's 7 steps to wish fulfillment!


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 2: The mind is the battlefield (Joyce Meyer - Battlefield of the Mind)

     The first part of her book, Battlefield of the Mind focuses on our thoughts as she states clearly here, "If we have a negative mind, we will have a negative life."  The mind is the battlefield.  Who are we warring against?  "The devil" whom bombards us with "nagging thoughts, suspicions, doubts, fears, wonderings, reasonings, and theories."
     Joyce discusses that we have strongholds.  These are usually negative, destructive thoughts that begin at some defining moment.  When I was younger I had an emotionally abusive boyfriend. He would boss me around and I would do whatever he said.  He would call me names and put me down.  This hurt so bad but I put up with it.  After we broke up, I said that I will never be pushed around or put down ever again.  Now, in my current relationship, I am overly sensitive.  If Nate (my boyfriend) suggests a spice for a meal I'm making I assume he's putting me down and letting me know that I am incompetent of cooking or if he suggests I clean a pile of papers I assume he's telling me what to do and bossing me around.  I get mad and fight against his suggestions because I have this thought that I will never be put-down or told what to do by any man every again.  I have played this message over and over again in my head.  Joyce calls this a stronghold; a repetitive negative thought that influences our actions and reactions. 
     The only thing is that this stronghold creates in me an overly sensitive reaction which is causing fighting in my relationship.  The point is that these are two unrelated experiences yet I'm acting out my response from the first to the latter which is only causing damage.  This is what "the devil" loves, to destroy peaceful and loving relationships by keeping the stronghold (negative repetitive thoughts) in our lives.  What strongholds do you have?  Just notice your thoughts in certain situations and your reactions.  Why are you reacting that way?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 1: Intro to Joyce Meyer (Battlefield of the Mind)

    Joyce Meyer is next!  She is a non-denominational Christian self-help guru.  Don't be alarmed if you are because she has great tools to share on how to be happier and live a more fulfilling life.  Each guru has a different perspective and I think all should be looked at from non-denominational Christian to new-age to regular old joe.  I think that when people hear Christianity and they are not Christian they think, "Don't lecture to me, I don't believe in that stuff."  I can understand that point of view.  I still think Joyce has some good things to say about living life with purpose and passion.  She teaches tools for being happy and having stability in your life from work to home.  I have learned a lot from her teachings.  Her most popular book dives into why we can feel crazy inside and it is because of our thoughts.  She gives tools to realize our thoughts and how they create in us feelings, anxieties, stresses as well as happiness, peace and love.  It's a matter of being aware and changing our thinking patterns.  Once we learn to do this then we can control our feelings and ultimately our actions.

     Joyce Meyer quotes Proverbs 23:7 "As a man thinks in his heart, so does he become."  This is the preface to this whole book. Our thoughts lead to our actions and beliefs. We become our thoughts. The good news is that we can choose our thoughts and therefore control our actions. I first came across this book 5 years ago. I was desperatly seeking some peace of mind because my thoughts kept betraying me. I had no control and I felt depressed. I didn't know I could change my mood or beliefs by changing my thoughts.
     For example, I had depressing thoughts about work such as "It sucks" or "It isn't where I want to be." so I changed it around to "I like getting paid and my job is fun when I'm doing (blank)."  Or instead of saying, "I'm fat."  I changed it to "I'm not as fat as I could be.  I look pretty good."  The point is I didn't realize I was even having the negative, depressing thoughts.  I just let them think without my permission on whether I wanted to be thinking that way.  I began to listen.  Some of the negative thought patterns just need to be retrained.  There is no need for them to control you.  You are empowered to control them and therefore your feelings and your actions.  Super!   Once I began to practice Joyce's tips my life began to change. Same life but different perspective and reaction to circumstances. I became happy and felt alive.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 30: The final shift. A life of meaning. (Dyer - The Shift)

Shifting from ambition to meaning

1. The shift from entitlement to humility.
  • We are not owed.  I usually feel entitled to other people being on time for meeting, lunch dates, movies etc. When they are late I think, "Who are they to keep me waiting! Don't they know I have other things I could be doing with my time?"  I suppose a humble statement would be, "They are doing what they need to do and they are allowed.  I can accept that."
2.  The shift from control to trust.
  • Wayne used to control topics of conversation. He now knows he doesn't have to and he can let the thoughts and opinions of others be expressed. 
  • We can trust source to guide the conversation instead of my ego trying to control it.  Trust in yourself; that inner voice intuition.  
  • Trust in the mystery of creation.  As the Tao Te Ching states, "Trying to control leads to ruin. Trying to grasp, we lose.
3. The shift from attachment to letting go.
  • Wayne's favorite quote, "Let go and let God." the attachment to be right.  
  • Get rid of unused things in the closets or garage.

     I have learned so much about becoming aware of this ego part of me that pushes me to do more and to never be content with  where I am at.  I now know I would rather be pushed by my desire of having a life of meaning.  I don't need the unsettling feeling of wanting more instead I can want more but from a place of meaning.  A place that fulfills my purpose on this earth.  It's a practice but it's also a feeling.  Hard to explain unless you begin to practice what Dyer has said in The Shift.

     Stay tuned for Joyce Meyer.  She is a non-denominational Christian self-help guru.  I think that when people hear Christianity and they are not Christian they think, "Don't lecture to me, I don't believe in that stuff."  I can understand that point of view.  I still think Joyce has some good things to say about living life with purpose and passion.  She teaches tools for being happy and having stability in your life from work to home.  I have learned a lot from her teachings.  Her most popular book dives into why we can feel crazy inside and it is because of our thoughts.  She gives tools to realize our thoughts and how they create in us feelings, anxieties, stresses as well as happiness, peace and love.  It's a matter of being aware and changing our thinking patterns.  Once we learn to do this then we can control our feelings and ultimately our actions. 


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 29: What is our original nature?

     Once we have arrived to this place of meaning, the place where we originated from, each breath we take is an expression of our life purpose states Dyer.  Ego has lost it's power.  This last shift is going back to your oneness and learning to think like God, "To be able to enter a life of spirit and purpose, we have to give our life away."  and become selfless.

Four cardinal virtues that constitute our original nature:
  1. Reverence for all life.  Unconditional love and respect for ourselves and other beings.  We want people to be who they are instead of what they are not.  We admire nature and mother nature.
  2. Natural sincerity.  Honesty in our daily lives.  Letting others know you without your fear of how you will be perceived.  As Dr. Seuss says, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
  3. Gentleness.  Kindness and consideration for others.
  4. Support. Service to others without expectation of reward or even a thank you. 
     These four virtues, "when practiced give birth to wisdom and evoke the five blessings: health, wealth, happiness, longevity, and peace."  There is no more questioning if you are living your life correctly when you shift from ego to meaning.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 28: Shift to meaning in your life (The Shift - Dyer)

     Since I've started reading The Shift, I've noticed many of the things Wayne Dyer talks about in everyone I talk to.  The ego is prevalent and rides high in almost everyone.  The main thing I noticed was the ego's desires in people.  Dyer talks about before we have a quantum moment, our shift toward meaning, we have a different set of values.  The top two for men being money and adventure.  We were at a graduation party talking with a man who is planning a bike trip for a few weeks.  His wife was very much against the trip but he had a pulling to go regardless.  I asked him his main reason to do this.  He said for adventure.  His ego is seeking adventure at any cost even if it causes a rif in his marriage.  On the contrary, I met a running shoe sales man who had a kinesiology degree but didn't find it fulfilling so he now coaches running groups and works for a running shore store company.  Less money but more personal fulfillment, he said.  I wonder what his quantum moment was when he decided to follow his life of meaning.

     Is any of this so bad?  One wants adventure, the other personal fulfillment.  The ego is driving the one guy while the other is being guided by his spirit. I suppose Dyer would say that seeking adventure and money is how the ego keeps you going but in the end you will still be seeking to fill the void of living a meaningful life.  You won't find it through the ego's desires.  The shoe salesman was content and happy right where he was regardless of the lack of money.

Do we all get a quantum shift?  Do we get another one if we miss the first one, second one etc?  Will we recognize it or will we miss it?  Is the choice up to us if we want to stay in our ego thinking or do we all respond by using the energy to find our purpose?  Lastly, will we find our purpose right away or will it magically appear one day after the quantum shift?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 27: Quantum Moments (Dyer-The Shift)

     Wayne Dyer, in The Shift says that when we begin our shift from ambition to ego there will be a quantum moment.    At this moment a tragedy  or disappointment will occur right before the shift.  This happened for a business executive, John, who was consumed with his work and ignored his wife, Shelly, because he was following the desires of his ego to be successful.  Shelly unexpectedly gets pregnant.  They get in a huge fight ending with the threat of divorce because this does not support John's ego's desire.  He believes the baby will only get in the way of his success.  This is the beginning of his shift, his tragedy.  This will be the power he needs to begin his shift, if he chooses.  He is at a shifting point between his ego's drive for success and his spirit's drive for meaning and purpose.  He ponders his life after their fight.  He soon begins to realize that he wants meaning in his life and he makes the shift.  Your shift will have four signs.  It will be:

1. Surprising! Unexpected.
2. Vivid! Memory is clear.
3. Benevolent! A feeling of peace and bliss.
4. Enduring! It never goes away. Whatever the change is.

     At the moment when things go awry and you feel a loss of control.  There is no need to worry.  Right before a quantum moment, this disaster or tragedy occurs but it gives you the power to make the shift to a life of meaning.
     Dyers explains, how life changes after a quantum moment.  A study asked what five values were for men before their quantum change. They are wealth, adventure, achievement, pleasure and being respected. After the shift, they were spirituality, personal peace, family, God's will, and honesty.  It's as if their life had been turned upside down!  For women it's family first.  Then, independence, career, fitting-in, and attractiveness. After the quantum change they were personal growth, self-esteem, spirituality, happiness, and generosity.  You don't have to die to get to that place of purpose or peacefulness you can get there right now by returning to the source here on earth and making the shift.  Nothing is a struggle because source is supporting you.  (Dyer - This Shift)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 26:

The 7-Step Summary of our U-turn (Wayne Dyer's book, The Shift):

1.   We shift to personal empowerment.  Through conscious compassionate curiosity and caring first for our inner self instead of trying to be right because some outside source is influencing our every move and decisions.
2.  We see ourselves connected to everyone.  This eliminates the need to compete with anyone because we are all from the same source.
3.  We are motivated by ethics, serenity, and quality of life.  Instead of external achievements and performance.  We are motivated by the direction of life in feeling peaceful, being honest and assisting others.
4.  We shift to the possibility, even the expectation, of miracles being a part of life.  We rely less on our senses and much more on our intuitive knowing.
5.  We pursue a meditation practice.  Seeking silence to consciously contact God which becomes a natural component of a meaningful life.
6.  We begin to recognize ourselves in nature's beauty and intricacy.  The miracles in the natural world are endless and we begin to be fascinated by it.
7.  We are less judgmental.  We can easily understand and forgive.  The ego is adamant about seeking revenge.  This only prohibits us form feeling purposeful and living a life of meaning.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 25: What to expect as we change the direction of our life. (Dyer - The Shift)

     Dyer says that with this shift of life toward our source (becoming more in tune with our spiritual side), to meaning it is often accompanied by an unexpected event.  This could be an embarrassing event, an illness, a failed relationship, an injury or something that will seem like a step back.  This low point will actually provide the energy needed to make the shift from an ego-driven life to one full of purpose, says Dyer.
     I remember when I went through my shift.  I was living in Connecticut with my boyfriend at the time.  I was just beginning my spiritual growth.  When I was ready to shift, my whole world changed.  I broke up with my boyfriend, I quit my job, and I moved back home to Colorado.  My ego wanted me to stay in the unfulfilled relationship and job.  Why?  Because I was in a good place according to cultural/societal norms.  But I wasn't.  I broke the spirit of my ego for the spirit of my soul.  I needed to be happy and free to continue on this path toward my spiritual self.  Looking back I can see this.  Dyer is right.  I am glad this happened because I am much happier now, just by following the path back toward my source.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 24: To... (Dyer - The Shift)

     There came a point in my life when I realized that having the great job and living downtown wasn't fulfilling me the way I thought it would.  For the last 15 years I worked hard at school and then my career realizing that I was still left with the question of, "Isn't there more?"  I began by researching other possible careers that might make me more happy.  Maybe I needed more friends or to do more activities.  I soon found out that those things were great but I didn't enjoy them as much as I could because I was still struggling with the question of, "Isn't there more?"  Dyer says that the ego will take us to this place and will continue to nag us to be more and to have more.  Eventually, we realize that what the ego wants alone cannot satisfy us.  It will always want more because that's it's nature.  In this next shift that Dyer talks about is when go back toward our authentic self and we begin to understand what our purpose and origination is on this Earth.  Dyer says at this point, "we begin to shift from doing more to doing less."  Trusting more in our source and detaching ourselves from the desires of the ego; we become humble.
     Heading back toward our authentic self we find that there is meaning and purpose in our life.  We can enjoy wherever we are in our work or home life to be as it is and to accept it.  This is exactly where I am supposed to be.  Right here is where all the lessons and joy are for me.  I just need to humble myself and squelch my ego's desire to have more.  I do have more, already.  The ego will always want more and it will never be happy with exactly what you have right now.  I began my shift from restlessness to contentment when I began to realize everything that I have now, a real assessment.  I have a great boyfriend, close family, great job, good money, and good friends.  I will continue to work on these things as time goes on but as my humble self not my ego self that wants more so it can define me as more important or better than others.  I don't need more stuff to prove my status; I am proof of me not my things.  I will have more as life goes on and that's great but I'm going to be happy with what I have right now, today.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 23: The importance of you! (The Shift - Dyer)

"The fact is that who you are has absolutely nothing to do with any thoughts or opinions that exist in anyone else in this world.  Period.  That person whose approval you desperately sought could change his mind tomorrow; and instead of thinking that you're intelligent, talented, and beautiful...might decide you're a foolish dolt who's unappealing to be around.  If you listen to your authentic self, you'll be completely unaffected by such judgments.  However, if your false self dominates your thinking, you'll be miserably affected.  This is how ego lures you into disregarding your authentic self."  Wayne Dyer, The Shift