Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dealing with Your Anger (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)

      Dealing with our anger can be tough.  It's easier to get angry than to realize why we are angry and deal with our deeper  feelings.  In Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra gives us the following exercise to feel our feelings in the present moment instead of expressing anger as a cover-up.

1.  Realize that hurt is the most basic negative feeling.  You cannot be in the present without willingness to feel hurt.
2.  Be with your sensations.  Resist the impulse either to deny what you feel or to turn it into anger.
3.  Say what you feel to the person who caused the hurt.
4.  Resolve your emotion and move on.

     Chopra explains, "In and of of itself, pain has no worth except as a signal that will pull you out of pain."  Use your pain as a signal to dig deeper into what's really going on; how you really feel instead of covering with your anger.  Then, say, "I feel..." and understand where the pain is coming from (past experiences etc).  Acknowledge this pain and move on.  The more you resolve your pain, the more you can live in the present moment.  Pain comes from past experiences so living in the present is living without pain.

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