Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Emotional Bonding (The Soul of Leadership, Chopra)

(E = Emotional Bonding)

     Emotional bonding is crucial in being a leader.  "When people are emotionally bonded to you, they want to have contact with you." says Chopra in The Soul Of Leadership. To create a lasting emotional bond, Chopra says to make a habit of asking the following questions:  How do I feel?  How do they feel?  What are the hidden stumbling blocks between us?  By getting in touch with feelings this gives the space for you to lead.
     Chopra lays out for us important skills to have as a leader.  First, is emotional freedom; be free of guilt, resentment, anger and aggression (Its ok to have these feelings but to be clear about them so you do not have an emotional outburst.)  Second, have shared enthusiasm; think "This is great for us!"  People are moved to help a leader when they think they are also helping themselves and not just you.  Third, genuinely care for others; instead of asking how someone is doing, look them in the eye, forget everything else and respond naturally.  Fourth, be willing to build a relationship; our souls are equal so act like it.  Fifth, reinforce the strengths of others; encourage each person to develop his or her best qualities and be specific.  Lastly, increase the self-esteem of others; let them know they are doing a good job and appreciate them.
     Being a leader, doesn't mean you have to have a following of 500 people or be a great speaker.  You are most likely already a leader within your family, circle of friends, or at work.  The idea of being a leader is filling the need that is there in the world.  We all need guidance and it takes a leader to fill that need.

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