Monday, February 8, 2010

Intro: Why are there so many self-help books?

Over the years I have read and practiced many teachings of our famous guru's and insightful writers.  They include Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Debbie Ford, Byron Katie, Joyce Meyer, Tony Robbins, Jesus' teachings, Buddha etc.  What is it they are all trying to tell us?  I have learned a lot from each one and have grown to be a better person because I have put their ideas into action.  I yell less.  I don't get irritated as easily.  I am more tolerant.  I am happier.  My boyfriend likes me more and I haven't been in an all out brawl with my sister in the longest time!  This is why I will continue to read their books.  I am going to focus intently on one teacher for one month.  What more can I learn?  Ha!  Tons, it's as if this life is a never ending cosmic learning cycle.  Once you think you know it all is when you discover only one peel of the onion has been delayered.  This is why self-help book after book is published and with a great following.  I'm curious if I will discover a common ground amongst these books and what are the differences?  Can there be just one self-help book to cover them all?

Come follow my blog as I dive into the many genres of self-help and self-discovery!  This way I can do the research and you can just read for a few minutes a day.  I will try to bring insight into each of these teacher's ideas all in one blog.

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. You are very wise Charissa! Can't wait for you to share what you learn (and maybe you should write a book about it!) Love and Miss you!


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