Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 7: The Happiness Project

Chapter 11: Keep a contented heart, Attitude

Do you think it's easier to complain than to laugh or easier to yell than to joke around? Studies show that it takes more energy to be uplifting and positive than to be negative and in a lower energy state. That makes sense to me. In engineering school I learned that electrons want to be in their lowest energy state because they are "lazy."  I very much enjoy being happy than sad that doesn't mean it doesn't take work.  I'm usually in a good mood and try to be uplifting to others and it does take energy to remind myself of the positive side of things and to think of how to keep an experience positive and fun.  It does take work and it's worth it.

Laugh out loud.   It can boost immunity and lower blood pressure.  Plus, it's a source of social bonding.  Personally, I'm going to check out a book of jokes.  There are professional joke writers so why not utilize their funniness?   Laughing out loud is more than just laughter but it's also the ability to give up pride and defensiveness because in order to laugh one needs to be lighthearted about themselves.

Use good manners.  This could be in many different ways such as being more agreeable, awareness of other people's needs (a seat on the bus or holding a door open for someone), actively listening to others and trying not to be a know it all, just to name a few things.

Give positive reviews.  It lightens the mood.  Plus others assessments affect everyone around. If you give a good review of a restaurant, most likely the other people will think more positively about the restaurant. We are just those type of creatures, influenced by our friends and family.

Find area of refuge.  If stuck in a negative mood seek out a mental area of refuge.  Distraction is a good way to get out of a bad mood.  Some ways are to think of a funny memory, your children or a movie that made you happy.  Easy yet effective.

Chapter 12: Boot camp perfect, Happiness

For the last month of Gretchen's year long happiness project she decided to do everything on her Resolutions Chart.  For this whole month she tidied, organized, sang in the morning, laughed out loud, acknowledged people's feelings, blogged, asked for help, went off the path, read children's books and bought needful things.  That's a mouth full and seems very difficult to achieve.  She doesn't do it all perfectly but she definitely tries. That deserves a gold star in my opinion.  She still experienced bad days but her resolutions would pop up at the right time to help her out of any funk such as thinking of a funny memory, being positive and encouraging to others or going to the gym for more energy.

Gretchen believes that after this year she feels happier.  There is not actual evidence except that she feels it.  Her house seems to be in a better mood and even her husband has changed such as doing more tasks around the house without Gretchen needing to ask.  Maybe because Gretchen has stopped nagging, she speculates.  Gretchen was asked, "So what's the secret to happiness?"  Her answer, keeping her Resolutions Chart.  This was a constant reminder of what she wanted to improve in her life and following through was the toughest part.  Lastly, she reflects that, "one of the best ways to make myself happy is to make other people happy.  One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy myself."

The End!  I will create my own Resolutions Chart but it will be very similar to Gretchen's except condensed to 21 days (the amount of time left for my first book).  I will build on each day's resolutions for each of the following days resulting in attempting to do all of them on the last day.  Some of them I will only do once though such as reading children's books.


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