Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 9: How to use your uniqe recipe (Ford, Shadow)

     Ford, in The Secret of your Shadow, has been teaching us that our story gives us our exact purpose in this life.  By looking into our story we can see how all the pieces of our lives have worked together to give us our unique contribution. Every drama and experience happened to you for a reason.  Now, you can ask yourself why something happened and what it is supposed to teach you.  Lastly, how you can you use what you learned for your unique purpose?
     A part of my story is the struggle I've had with my emotions.   Every month (due to my femaleness) my mind takes over and starts thinking negatively.  Thoughts such as, "Why is Nate ignoring me?"  Even though he is behaving as any other day of the month.  I've struggled with these out-of-control emotions for years. In order to gain from my story I need to look at the purpose of this experience.  Just this weekend I learned that I need to focus on all the good things that Nate does for me such as holding my hand, laughing at my not so funny jokes and telling me I look nice instead of focusing on what he isn't doing.  I actually was doing this and putting myself in a bad.mood. Ha! This is now a piece of wisdom I can share with others.  This lesson is apart of my unique story so I can help others to cope with their emotions. 

How to extract your specialty:
1. Make a list of the significant experiences of your life, including your tramas, victories, loves, losses, successes, and humiliations.
2. Look for the common theme or themes that each of these events shares.
3. Ask yourself,  "If I were going to teach a college class based on the incidents of my past, what would the name of my course be?"

"Our specialty is our unique recipe, the sum total of our life's experiences."   Debbie Ford

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