Have you ever imagined yourself at 100 years old? What would that be like for you: healthy, sick, wise, dumb, bed-ridden, active? In Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra reveals that researchers have found that most centenarians are adaptable. "At some point in their lives, all have suffered losses and setbacks..." but they all adapted to their new situation and moved on. They were able to grieve and come to peace with whatever devastation that came their way.
Many of us still hold onto our grief of a lost loved one, a failed marriage or even a job layoff. We are holding onto this pain and living this past part of ourselves over and over. The research does not show a significant factor of the centenarians longevity linked to what they ate, where they lived, or how happy their life was. The study showed that these centenarians were resilient and able to deal with their pain, move on, and live in the present moment. What pain are you holding onto that can be released?
Check out my blog about life, love and happiness. I will be exploring the many teachings of our famous self-help leaders. Check out my website, www.PureQualities.com!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Dealing with Your Anger (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Dealing with our anger can be tough. It's easier to get angry than to realize why we are angry and deal with our deeper feelings. In Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra gives us the following exercise to feel our feelings in the present moment instead of expressing anger as a cover-up.
1. Realize that hurt is the most basic negative feeling. You cannot be in the present without willingness to feel hurt.
2. Be with your sensations. Resist the impulse either to deny what you feel or to turn it into anger.
3. Say what you feel to the person who caused the hurt.
4. Resolve your emotion and move on.
Chopra explains, "In and of of itself, pain has no worth except as a signal that will pull you out of pain." Use your pain as a signal to dig deeper into what's really going on; how you really feel instead of covering with your anger. Then, say, "I feel..." and understand where the pain is coming from (past experiences etc). Acknowledge this pain and move on. The more you resolve your pain, the more you can live in the present moment. Pain comes from past experiences so living in the present is living without pain.
1. Realize that hurt is the most basic negative feeling. You cannot be in the present without willingness to feel hurt.
2. Be with your sensations. Resist the impulse either to deny what you feel or to turn it into anger.
3. Say what you feel to the person who caused the hurt.
4. Resolve your emotion and move on.
Chopra explains, "In and of of itself, pain has no worth except as a signal that will pull you out of pain." Use your pain as a signal to dig deeper into what's really going on; how you really feel instead of covering with your anger. Then, say, "I feel..." and understand where the pain is coming from (past experiences etc). Acknowledge this pain and move on. The more you resolve your pain, the more you can live in the present moment. Pain comes from past experiences so living in the present is living without pain.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
What if you were perfect as you are? (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
We all have many layers and it is just under these layers that is the magnificent you. Deepak Chopra, in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, has an exercise to peel through your layers. I did it myself and discovered something marvelous!
Write down the following statement, "I am perfect as I am. Everything in my life is working toward my ultimate good. I am loved and I am love." Then, close your eyes. What word pops up into your head first? Repeat. Watch as the layers unfold. Here's what mine looked like:
What do your layers look like? This exercise only took me about 3 minutes to do but worth so much more.
Write down the following statement, "I am perfect as I am. Everything in my life is working toward my ultimate good. I am loved and I am love." Then, close your eyes. What word pops up into your head first? Repeat. Watch as the layers unfold. Here's what mine looked like:
1. Bullsh*t
2. Really?
3. Nice!
4. Thank God!
What do your layers look like? This exercise only took me about 3 minutes to do but worth so much more.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Looking at Reality (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Let's look at reality. I got upset yesterday that my boyfriend didn't text me back all day. I took it as a sign that he doesn't care about me. Is that true? No, its not. After discussing it with him he happened to have a very busy and stressful day. This is something that I can understand. Chopra insists that we need to look at the reality of things before jumping into our past and coming up with a skewed reality. In the past, I had a boyfriend who wouldn't respond to my texts unless it was convenient for him. It turned out he actually didn't care about me (long story). I am taking this past reality and skewing my present reality. Logically, I know that by Nate not texting me back does not mean he doesn't love me because he has proven to me in so many other ways that he does. Is this belief still valid? No. Chopra says, "When you begin to to get into the habit of consciously and carefully examining your old interpretations in this way, you create a space for spontaneous moments of freedom." In this flash of reality your anger and stress dissipate because your old story no longer has any validity. What past stories are your replaying as your current reality? What is your reality now?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Focus on the Process (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Do you tend to focus on the outcome instead of the process? Instead, Chopra, in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, advises us to focus on the process. He says that, "Stress always arises if you concentrate on how something has to turn out." This can be stressful! In my weekly meeting I find myself stressed, hoping for a successful meeting. A success is if I don't make any mistakes. Instead of looking for a mistake to determine the success of the meeting which can be very stressful, focus on the process; to brainstorm ideas as a group, collaboratively and productively. Now, that's a load off of my shoulders. How does this all relate to aging? Stress is a direct link to aging. Chopra writes about the many studies in his book if you want to learn more. Next time, when you are feeling stressed, ask yourself if you are focusing on the outcome instead of the process?
Friday, December 17, 2010
I feel stressed! (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
I feel stressed! Have these words ever made their way through your lips? I'm sure they have and they most likely will again. Studies have shown that there is a direct link with stress and aging, explains Chopra, in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Studies on mice who were mildly shocked repeatedly did not need a lethal dose to end it's life but just the repetitive, stressful shock, eventually broke their body's down. Chopra states, "Similarly, humans can withstand extraordinary stresses from the environment, but if we are pushed too far, our stress response turns on our own bodies and begins to create breakdowns both mentally and physically." Our bodies recover from stress but when stressful situations are repeated without time to recover, this is when symptoms of aging appear, such as ulcers and diabetes.
We have control over our stress. The amount of stress we feel is determined by how triggered we are by an event. A crying baby may have no trigger on you while it may to someone else. Chopra explains that the interpretation of any situation is projected from memory; colored by the past. These past experiences can be brought to light and released. Therefore, releasing the links to stress. What past memories are you linkingthat are causing you stress?
We have control over our stress. The amount of stress we feel is determined by how triggered we are by an event. A crying baby may have no trigger on you while it may to someone else. Chopra explains that the interpretation of any situation is projected from memory; colored by the past. These past experiences can be brought to light and released. Therefore, releasing the links to stress. What past memories are you linkingthat are causing you stress?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Biofeedback-Proven with 4 decades of Research (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
"However, three decades of research with biofeedback, meditation, hypnosis, and other mind-body techniques have shown that the mind is capable of taking control of involuntary function." explains Chopra, in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Blood pressure, one of the leading health risks, is controlled by the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system, which doctors believed was beyond conscious control. This research of the listed techniques (biofeedback, meditation, hypnosis) has proven that there is a mind-body connection within our control, even blood pressure.
I've never come across someone that doesn't have some kind of disorder that they feel they have no control over. We all have something from insomnia to eczema. Personally, I have allergies which causes my skin to itch. I've seen doctors my whole life for eczema and allergies to try to solve the problem. I began biofeedback with my boyfriend's mom and have been mostly itch and allergy free for over a year. It's a miracle! Or is it? I think it's that I'm finally connecting my mind and my body. Through biofeedback, I am able to connect to my body and help this part of me that I was not connecting to. Biofeedback is a great way to connect to your body for a variety of ailments. Give it a try!
I've never come across someone that doesn't have some kind of disorder that they feel they have no control over. We all have something from insomnia to eczema. Personally, I have allergies which causes my skin to itch. I've seen doctors my whole life for eczema and allergies to try to solve the problem. I began biofeedback with my boyfriend's mom and have been mostly itch and allergy free for over a year. It's a miracle! Or is it? I think it's that I'm finally connecting my mind and my body. Through biofeedback, I am able to connect to my body and help this part of me that I was not connecting to. Biofeedback is a great way to connect to your body for a variety of ailments. Give it a try!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Meaning of Old (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
What does the word 'old' mean to you? Here are a few statements from Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, that Chopra points out, "If young is good, old must be bad", "If young is creative and dynamic, old must be dull and staid.", "If young is beautiful, old must be unattractive." These are typical statements seen and heard daily in our society. Most magazines and television shows only show people under 30, when this understates the fact that our country has more people over 65 than teenagers. Young and old are polarized in our society, explains Chopra. It is this very thinking that is damaging to ourselves.
What do you think 'old' means? It is what it means to you. To me, 'old' is wisdom and success. As time progresses, so do our experiences. And hopefully, we will learn and grow from each experience, creating wisdom within ourselves. When I see older people, I see success, as they have been through so much and have risen above so much of life that I haven't. I think that Chopra is saying that we have power over how we age. The power is within our own cell structure which is directly related to our thinking and beliefs. Thankfully, we can change our beliefs to whatever we want them to be. Dare I say, old is the new young?
What do you think 'old' means? It is what it means to you. To me, 'old' is wisdom and success. As time progresses, so do our experiences. And hopefully, we will learn and grow from each experience, creating wisdom within ourselves. When I see older people, I see success, as they have been through so much and have risen above so much of life that I haven't. I think that Chopra is saying that we have power over how we age. The power is within our own cell structure which is directly related to our thinking and beliefs. Thankfully, we can change our beliefs to whatever we want them to be. Dare I say, old is the new young?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
7 Steps to a balanced lifestyle (and a longer, healthy life)! (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Chopra, in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind reports a study done at UCLA over 5 1/2 years that indicates 7 simple lifestyle habits to a healthy and long-lasting life. How many are you doing?
1. Sleeping 7 or 8 hours a night (Yes-in bed by 10:30)
2. Eating breakfast almost every day (Yes-Love my egg and toast)
3. Not eating between meals (Oops-I snack on unsalted, organic mixed nuts, otherwise No!)
4. Normal weight-not more than 5% underweigt and no more than 10-20% overweight (Not sure about the %)
5. Regular physical activity (Yes-Love the Jillian Michaels program)
6. Moderate drinking-no more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day (Oops-If it's the weekend then, no...the week, yes)
7. Never smoke cigarettes (No-But I quit 6 years ago)
If you are only doing 3 of these healthy lifestyle habits, don't fret, because the study showed that doing just 3 of these increased the average life by 21.6 years (in the study). That's encouraging! It also showed that genetics had less to do with aging (both sets of parents alive to age 80 only increases one's life expectancy by about 3 years). I love the fact that this study shows us, we have a choice on how we choose to live our lives.
1. Sleeping 7 or 8 hours a night (Yes-in bed by 10:30)
2. Eating breakfast almost every day (Yes-Love my egg and toast)
3. Not eating between meals (Oops-I snack on unsalted, organic mixed nuts, otherwise No!)
4. Normal weight-not more than 5% underweigt and no more than 10-20% overweight (Not sure about the %)
5. Regular physical activity (Yes-Love the Jillian Michaels program)
6. Moderate drinking-no more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day (Oops-If it's the weekend then, no...the week, yes)
7. Never smoke cigarettes (No-But I quit 6 years ago)
If you are only doing 3 of these healthy lifestyle habits, don't fret, because the study showed that doing just 3 of these increased the average life by 21.6 years (in the study). That's encouraging! It also showed that genetics had less to do with aging (both sets of parents alive to age 80 only increases one's life expectancy by about 3 years). I love the fact that this study shows us, we have a choice on how we choose to live our lives.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Defeating Entropy (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Entropy is the universal tendency for order to break down into disorder. It has been around since the beginning of creation with heat, light and all other forms of energy which have been dissipating over time explains Chopra, in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Entropy is on a one-way path, with no option of reversal. It is similar to how an aged body cannot automatically turn young again, says Chopra. In order to defeat aging, we need to learn how to defeat entropy.
One way to defeat entropy is through exercise. It's common knowledge that exercise is for more than looking good physically. Exercise has been well documented as vital to a healthy life, overall. "No group is at higher risk for depression, disease, and early death than people who are completely sedentary..." states Chopra. In a tufts study it was found that a group between 60 and 75 years old who lifted weights 3 times a week for three months, lowered their biomarkers, blood pressure, blood-sugar tolerance, and metabolic decline was reversed.
Through exercise we can love ourselves by giving ourselves a great chance at a long life with good health. The good news is that when we are healthy it gives us more time to spend with our loved ones. It gives us the opportunity to experience fun activities. Mostly, it allows us to experience life the way we were meant to.
One way to defeat entropy is through exercise. It's common knowledge that exercise is for more than looking good physically. Exercise has been well documented as vital to a healthy life, overall. "No group is at higher risk for depression, disease, and early death than people who are completely sedentary..." states Chopra. In a tufts study it was found that a group between 60 and 75 years old who lifted weights 3 times a week for three months, lowered their biomarkers, blood pressure, blood-sugar tolerance, and metabolic decline was reversed.
Through exercise we can love ourselves by giving ourselves a great chance at a long life with good health. The good news is that when we are healthy it gives us more time to spend with our loved ones. It gives us the opportunity to experience fun activities. Mostly, it allows us to experience life the way we were meant to.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Imagination and Aging (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Our mind is a powerful thing. We are gifted with the ability to remember, imagine, and envision anything we want. Chopra, in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind asks us to remember ourselves at different times in our lives:
Imagine yourself when you were 6 years old. Any change in how you are sitting or your facial expression? Imagine yourself at 21 years old. How about at 60 years old? I noticed my body was more loose at the age of 6 and my face curious. At 21, I felt a surge of energy and a very smiley face. At 60 years old, I felt my body sit up and have a wise face. This was a very cool exercise. This is the mind-body connection that Chopra is talking about. We have the power to feel younger or older. Our body will respond to our mind's thinking. Give it a try!
Imagine yourself when you were 6 years old. Any change in how you are sitting or your facial expression? Imagine yourself at 21 years old. How about at 60 years old? I noticed my body was more loose at the age of 6 and my face curious. At 21, I felt a surge of energy and a very smiley face. At 60 years old, I felt my body sit up and have a wise face. This was a very cool exercise. This is the mind-body connection that Chopra is talking about. We have the power to feel younger or older. Our body will respond to our mind's thinking. Give it a try!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Direct your healing energy (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Chopra, in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, says that by localizing your awareness on a source of pain, that you can cause healing to begin. He continues to say that the body naturally sends healing energy wherever your attention is drawn. "...your awareness is used as a healing power: It restores balance wherever it is allowed to flow freely."
My sister was telling me that she was having shoulder pain one afternoon. She put her hand on the area and spoke to it, "I acknowledge you are in pain." The pain dissipated and she went on with her day. Another account is when my skin is itchy, due to allergies. I will acknowledge the pain and the itch goes away. The body is signaling your brain that something needs attention. This is our way of surviving. By acknowledging the area you are giving the attention that it's asking for. Give it a try!
My sister was telling me that she was having shoulder pain one afternoon. She put her hand on the area and spoke to it, "I acknowledge you are in pain." The pain dissipated and she went on with her day. Another account is when my skin is itchy, due to allergies. I will acknowledge the pain and the itch goes away. The body is signaling your brain that something needs attention. This is our way of surviving. By acknowledging the area you are giving the attention that it's asking for. Give it a try!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Be Vulnerable and Open to Love (From my heart, Charissa Duskis)
In our mind we can be as old or young as we desire. Have you noticed the way a child is open to learning new things? How a child is open to receiving teaching, love, and acceptance in any form that it comes? Even the Bible says to be like a child to enter into the kingdom. As we grow older, we change our thinking to the type of thoughts and behaviors we believe we should have. We close ourselves off to being vulnerable and open ourselves up to controlling ourselves. When we are open like a child, we are open to all the wonders of the world. It is this state that we grow the most.
What did you do as a child that was so much fun? In what way were you open to love? I would frequently hug my dad and mom's leg and let them know I love them, unafraid of rejection. I would listen to what they had to say with curiosity and a trust that they had my best intentions. I was open to receiving what they had to offer me and I felt loved. I was loved. Let's open ourselves up, to be vulnerable, to what is there for us to receive.
What did you do as a child that was so much fun? In what way were you open to love? I would frequently hug my dad and mom's leg and let them know I love them, unafraid of rejection. I would listen to what they had to say with curiosity and a trust that they had my best intentions. I was open to receiving what they had to offer me and I felt loved. I was loved. Let's open ourselves up, to be vulnerable, to what is there for us to receive.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Dehydration: A Major Cause of Aging? (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
How much water do you drink per day? This is the question most doctors do not ask when you are feeling sick or lethargic, but maybe they should be. In Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra discusses the affects of dehydration; aging. He says, "When the body fluids fall below a certain level, the physiology begins to enter a toxic state; vital electrolyte balance is thrown off, and eventually so is the balance of brain chemistry. A host of difficulties can result..." Included in this list is kidney failure, heart attack, blackouts, dizziness, and lethargy.
I suppose the moral of the story is to drink enough water for your body type. It might be the exact thing you need for an ailment that's been bothering you.
I suppose the moral of the story is to drink enough water for your body type. It might be the exact thing you need for an ailment that's been bothering you.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Awareness and aging (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Do you believe that most of your internal programming is unconscious? The truth is that it is, but you have the power to influence yourself through awareness. Chopra, in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, says that "It is in the absence of being aware, when we don't see anything happening, that physiological processes slip out of our control." When we don't exercise, over the years, we will lose muscle mass and eventually control over some body parts. This doesn't have to happen! Lastly, Chopra points out the well-known principle in physiology, "...that any part of the body that falls into disuse will begin to atrophy and wither away."
Personally, I feel great after I hit the gym or meditate. Feeling the connection with my body is an enlightening worth-while activity. When I am closest to myself in body and mind is when I am most at peace. I can hear myself and my needs which is usually muddled with all of the daily things I must get done. It's nice to focus on just yourself. It's calming.
Personally, I feel great after I hit the gym or meditate. Feeling the connection with my body is an enlightening worth-while activity. When I am closest to myself in body and mind is when I am most at peace. I can hear myself and my needs which is usually muddled with all of the daily things I must get done. It's nice to focus on just yourself. It's calming.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Life Satisfaction (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
What would a satisfying life be to you? Would it include close family, good friends, and a sense of purpose? In Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra lists five factors that contribute to life satisfaction as researched by Bernice Neu-garten at the University of Chicago.
1. Takes pleasure from daily activities
2. Regards his life as meaningful
3. Feels he has achieved his major goals
4. Holds a positive self-image and regards himself as worthwhile
5. Is optimistic
Chopra says that, "Growing old happens in the mind...If you don't want to grow old, you can choose not to."
1. Takes pleasure from daily activities
2. Regards his life as meaningful
3. Feels he has achieved his major goals
4. Holds a positive self-image and regards himself as worthwhile
5. Is optimistic
Chopra says that, "Growing old happens in the mind...If you don't want to grow old, you can choose not to."
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
How to Retard Aging! (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Thankfully, there are two sides to every story. In Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra explains the negative factors that accelerate aging but he also lists the positive factors that retard aging. They are as follows:
1. Happy marriage
2. Job satisfaction
3. Ability to laugh easily
4. Ability to make and keep close friends
5. Regular daily routine
6. Taking at lease one week of vacation per year
7. Enjoyable leisure time
8. Ability to express feelings easily
9. Optimistic about the future
10. Feeling financially secure, living within means
I think all of these are positive factors that make me feel light just thinking about them. My mom was telling me when I'm confused about a decision to imagine both scenarios and ask which one makes you feel light. That is probably the best decision for you then. Just like these positive factors. Do they make you feel light? If so, why not do more of them?
1. Happy marriage
2. Job satisfaction
3. Ability to laugh easily
4. Ability to make and keep close friends
5. Regular daily routine
6. Taking at lease one week of vacation per year
7. Enjoyable leisure time
8. Ability to express feelings easily
9. Optimistic about the future
10. Feeling financially secure, living within means
I think all of these are positive factors that make me feel light just thinking about them. My mom was telling me when I'm confused about a decision to imagine both scenarios and ask which one makes you feel light. That is probably the best decision for you then. Just like these positive factors. Do they make you feel light? If so, why not do more of them?
Monday, November 29, 2010
How to Get Old, Quickly (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Deepak Chopra lists the negative factors that accelerate aging in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. He wants us to understand the strong psychological affect we have on our own bodies. The underlying message being that we have control to change the negative factors that accelerate aging into an ageless body.
1. Depression
2. Inability to express emotions
3. Feeling helpless to change oneself and others
4. Loneliness, absence of close friends
5. Lack of regular daily routine
6. Job dissatisfaction
7. Financial burdens
8. Excessive worry
9. Getting angry easily, unable to express anger
10. Criticism of self and others
Personally, I have experienced everyone of these negative factors. I can see how they have weighed me down and even made me feel old. The good news is that we can change any of these negative factors to positive factors that retard aging, states Chopra.
1. Depression
2. Inability to express emotions
3. Feeling helpless to change oneself and others
4. Loneliness, absence of close friends
5. Lack of regular daily routine
6. Job dissatisfaction
7. Financial burdens
8. Excessive worry
9. Getting angry easily, unable to express anger
10. Criticism of self and others
Personally, I have experienced everyone of these negative factors. I can see how they have weighed me down and even made me feel old. The good news is that we can change any of these negative factors to positive factors that retard aging, states Chopra.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
What do you believe? (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
"A belief is something you hold on to because you think it is true." states Chopra in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Whether you believe something or not is completely your choice. He continues, "But unlike a thought, which actively forms words or images in your brain, a belief is generally silent." Our bodies will react automatically to our beliefs. Take a man who is afraid of confined spaces. His body will react for him; pounding heart; sweaty palms; panting breath. Regardless of his attempt to thwart his fear with thoughts such as, "There's no reason to be afraid." or "Small rooms aren't dangerous." His body will override his endeavor, explains Chopra. This is the same type of belief that we have about aging. Our bodies will do the aging for us because we believe it. This isn't to say that we can think aging away but that we have to physically believe that when we get older we will not lose our capacity to do physical activity. Exercise is still just as important when we are 96 years old. Why? Because, physically, we are believing that age cannot stop our bodies from doing all the things we could physically do in our 20's. Lastly, Chopra states, "...by adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can delay symptoms of aging by as much as thirty years." It's all about believing it completely, in your mind and body.
I've always thought that as you age you become more tired and slow down. When I was younger I would wonder what disease I would die of, since everyone died from something. I now know that I don't have to believe that. I can continue to be like I am now, in my 20's, running up stairs, skiing, and hiking. I don't have to slow down unless I want to. Can you imagine 100 years of life in good health, lots of energy and a strong mind?!? I can!
I've always thought that as you age you become more tired and slow down. When I was younger I would wonder what disease I would die of, since everyone died from something. I now know that I don't have to believe that. I can continue to be like I am now, in my 20's, running up stairs, skiing, and hiking. I don't have to slow down unless I want to. Can you imagine 100 years of life in good health, lots of energy and a strong mind?!? I can!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Aging and Awareness (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
"Awareness has the power to change aging, but..." begins Chopra, it also is a two-edged sword. It has the power to heal and destroy. The difference is how you condition your awareness and train your attitudes, assumptions and beliefs explains Chopra. You can have destructive mental patterns or positive ones. Non-aging would be to give up "...habits, rituals, rigid beliefs, and outworn behavior." Chopra points out that as the saying in the Tao Te Ching goes, "Whatever is flexible and flowing will tend to grow, whatever is rigid and blocked will wither and die."
From before we can remember, external ideas, cultures, and beliefs have been suspended upon us. I remember when my mom would worry about getting sick as she got older. Just her simple belief is imprinted on me that when I age, sickness is normal. I'm conditioning my thoughts and beliefs based upon this. Not to blame my mom since she has also been conditioned by others including our whole culture; medications for when you age, botox to reduce wrinkles, Metamucil for when you get older. The list goes on and on imprinting on us that age must happen, imprinting on your body to believe this and age itself. What aging beliefs are you holding onto?
From before we can remember, external ideas, cultures, and beliefs have been suspended upon us. I remember when my mom would worry about getting sick as she got older. Just her simple belief is imprinted on me that when I age, sickness is normal. I'm conditioning my thoughts and beliefs based upon this. Not to blame my mom since she has also been conditioned by others including our whole culture; medications for when you age, botox to reduce wrinkles, Metamucil for when you get older. The list goes on and on imprinting on us that age must happen, imprinting on your body to believe this and age itself. What aging beliefs are you holding onto?
Friday, November 19, 2010
You are not alone. Get connected! (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
We are not separate but connected on a quantum level. Chopra, in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind illustrates the connection of us and the whole universe. Imagine two candles on a table about 3 feet apart. Notice how the light fills the entire room and how the light is connected between the two candles. Now, take the candle outside, at night, you can see the light from the stars and the candle. The light energy is connected with your energy. We are connected. Chopra says that, "When you begin to own this knowledge, nothing in your environment will feel threatening to you. As a result, the fear of separation will loosen its hold over you, and the unbroken flow of awareness will counter entropy and aging."
When I feel connected to others and the universe I feel peace deep inside my spirit. Just the knowing that I'm not alone gives me comfort. To know that all of us are on the same life journey together increases my love for all. When I separate myself I feel the fear of losing a family member, my boyfriend or friends. If I lose them then I'm truly alone. But, no, I wouldn't be, because I would still be connected to everyone else including the universe. I am a part of the quantum field that transcends everyday reality, as Chopra puts it.
When I feel connected to others and the universe I feel peace deep inside my spirit. Just the knowing that I'm not alone gives me comfort. To know that all of us are on the same life journey together increases my love for all. When I separate myself I feel the fear of losing a family member, my boyfriend or friends. If I lose them then I'm truly alone. But, no, I wouldn't be, because I would still be connected to everyone else including the universe. I am a part of the quantum field that transcends everyday reality, as Chopra puts it.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Awareness is the key (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
"Everything I can possibly experience begins and ends with awareness; every thought or emotion that captures my attention is a tiny fragment of awareness; all the goals and expectations I set for myself are organized in awareness." states Chopra. Maintaining continuous awareness is the key to health, timelessness and life. When awareness is broken, "Vast areas of our bodily existence go out of our control, leading to sickness, aging, and death." explains Chopra. This loss is equivalent to not being aware of every part of our bodies, our cells included and the connection we have with them. It may seem like your cells are running on auto-pilot but they are actually created through your own thinking and training. We are connected mind, body, and spirit.
I know when I've knocked over a glass of water or tripped on my own feet that I was not paying attention to my body. I was most likely in some other moment of life, past or present. Today, as I walked down the flight of stairs at work, I said, "I'm walking, left foot, right foot...Now, I'm walking down the hall..." It's seems silly but I can honestly remember, vividly the whole trip. That's the thing about being aware and in the moment. You will consciously do things and you will remember the details. By being aware you will remember where you set your keys or your cell phone. Furthermore, you will be happier because you won't be obsessing about the future or past. Stay present, be aware and practice by just noticing your foot steps.
I know when I've knocked over a glass of water or tripped on my own feet that I was not paying attention to my body. I was most likely in some other moment of life, past or present. Today, as I walked down the flight of stairs at work, I said, "I'm walking, left foot, right foot...Now, I'm walking down the hall..." It's seems silly but I can honestly remember, vividly the whole trip. That's the thing about being aware and in the moment. You will consciously do things and you will remember the details. By being aware you will remember where you set your keys or your cell phone. Furthermore, you will be happier because you won't be obsessing about the future or past. Stay present, be aware and practice by just noticing your foot steps.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Meditation (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
We've heard of it, thought about doing it, but then easily forgot it. Meditation has been around for ages, healing, revealing, and satisfying all that come across it. Why do we allow this simple, yet vital practice slip away from our everyday life? Why not begin to embrace this age-old remedy for reducing stress, healing the body, and adding tranquility to our lives? Chopra, in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, says, "From my experience with studies on people using meditation, it has been established that long-term meditators can have a biological age between 5 and 12 years younger than their chronological age." Wow! Meditation is so powerful.
In recent findings, research has found that this subjective experience of silence, fullness, and eternity creates a definite shift toward a more efficient functioning of the body, states Chopra. "Hundreds of individual findings show lowered respiration, reduced oxygen consumption, and decreased metabolic rate." The most significant conculsion is that the hormonal imbalance associated with stress (which speeds up the aging process) is reversed explains Chopra.
To experience your own shift in time with meditation look at a clock with a second hand on it, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow your thoughts to move in and out of your mind and continue to focus on your breath. After several minutes have passed, open your eyes and look at the second hand of the clock. Chopra suggests that you may see the second hand stand still for 1-3 seconds or you may see it pause before resuming it's circular motion around the clock. Either way it is a way to perceive time in a different manner. One in which, possibly, time doesn't stops, for even a moment.
In recent findings, research has found that this subjective experience of silence, fullness, and eternity creates a definite shift toward a more efficient functioning of the body, states Chopra. "Hundreds of individual findings show lowered respiration, reduced oxygen consumption, and decreased metabolic rate." The most significant conculsion is that the hormonal imbalance associated with stress (which speeds up the aging process) is reversed explains Chopra.
To experience your own shift in time with meditation look at a clock with a second hand on it, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow your thoughts to move in and out of your mind and continue to focus on your breath. After several minutes have passed, open your eyes and look at the second hand of the clock. Chopra suggests that you may see the second hand stand still for 1-3 seconds or you may see it pause before resuming it's circular motion around the clock. Either way it is a way to perceive time in a different manner. One in which, possibly, time doesn't stops, for even a moment.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Getting rid of worry! (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
I learned a long time ago that when we feel guilt we are living in the past and when we are worried we are living in the future. The present time cannot exist when we are feeling guilty or worried. Chopra says in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, "When your attention is in the past or the future, you are in the field of time, creating aging." He continues, by asking, "At this instant, where are the past and future?" His answer is, "Nowhere." The present moment is the only moment that exists. If you are still not convinced think of it this way, the past and the future are only mental projections. That's it. In other words, we are missing the present moment, the only real moment.
When I worry about the future it impinges on my present. Plus, what good does worrying do anyway? When I worry it's usually the worst possible outcome, when in reality the worst usually does not happen. Why do we do this to ourselves? I think it's a way of protecting ourselves by preparing for the worst so we can handle it if it happens. I think this is nuts. Why prepare yourself for the worst when you can prepare yourself for the best? Then, if it is something really bad, know that God will not give you more than you can handle and that you will have all the tools you need for whatever situation comes your way. Now, that's refreshing. Good bye worry...Hello today!
When I worry about the future it impinges on my present. Plus, what good does worrying do anyway? When I worry it's usually the worst possible outcome, when in reality the worst usually does not happen. Why do we do this to ourselves? I think it's a way of protecting ourselves by preparing for the worst so we can handle it if it happens. I think this is nuts. Why prepare yourself for the worst when you can prepare yourself for the best? Then, if it is something really bad, know that God will not give you more than you can handle and that you will have all the tools you need for whatever situation comes your way. Now, that's refreshing. Good bye worry...Hello today!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Explaining Time (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Time exists for us because we need to explain change. We are ever evolving human beings. Everyday we are learning and growing and thus changing. In order to explain change we perceive it as time. Chopra says, "...the perception of change creates our experience of time." in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Mainly, reality for us is what we physically see and change helps us to perceive time. Chopra is suggesting that time only exists for this need to quantify time. So, if we didn't have this perception then time is really not a one-way street only moving forward. Where in quantum space, "...multidimensional strings and loops carry time in all directions and even bring it to a halt."
Can you imagine a life where you don't have to worry about time? I used to worry about having enough time to write this blog. What I've learned is that if I trust that it will happen then it does. I don't need to worry. If I skip a day, that's ok too. I prefer not stressing over having enough time or that there isn't enough time much more than stressing about time when that doesn't add anything to my life except stress and worry. Ha!
Can you imagine a life where you don't have to worry about time? I used to worry about having enough time to write this blog. What I've learned is that if I trust that it will happen then it does. I don't need to worry. If I skip a day, that's ok too. I prefer not stressing over having enough time or that there isn't enough time much more than stressing about time when that doesn't add anything to my life except stress and worry. Ha!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
More Peace in Your Daily Life (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Our body and mind are connected. We have control over our bodies with our minds on many different levels, including, our psychological and physical states. Our bodies are not mindless machines but they are "...infused with the deep intelligence of life, whose sole purpose is to sustain you." states Chopra in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Futhermore, we are connected to all, there is no separateness. When we think in these terms war cannot exist. Chopra explains that, "In harmony there is no violence."
In my opinion, when I think in terms of connectedness to all, I feel more love toward all. When I see myself as one with friends, family and strangers, I can begin to have compassion for their way of doing things that are different from mine. Knowing that we are going through different yet similar experiences I can understand that they are living their life just like I am living mine. How can I be angry or upset with anyone for doing the same thing that I'm doing? They just have a different interpretation and perception than I do. I may not understand because I haven't been through what someone else has gone through but I can be compassionate for the human experience shared amongst all. In this way, I can be more compassionate to all that I am connected with, which just happens to be all that surrounds me.
In my opinion, when I think in terms of connectedness to all, I feel more love toward all. When I see myself as one with friends, family and strangers, I can begin to have compassion for their way of doing things that are different from mine. Knowing that we are going through different yet similar experiences I can understand that they are living their life just like I am living mine. How can I be angry or upset with anyone for doing the same thing that I'm doing? They just have a different interpretation and perception than I do. I may not understand because I haven't been through what someone else has gone through but I can be compassionate for the human experience shared amongst all. In this way, I can be more compassionate to all that I am connected with, which just happens to be all that surrounds me.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Are we ageless? (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
It's odd, yet true. Our biology is affected by what we think and feel. "We possess the only nervous system that is aware of the phenomenon of aging." states Deepak Chopra in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Furthermore, our immune system is affected when depressed and in contrast, falling in love can boost it. The connectedness of our mind and body is a direct link. I know when I have been stressed I have gotten a cold or when I'm taking care of myself, I feel good physically and mentally. Chopra explains that the way we think and feel has an effect on how we age. We do have the option of how we perceive time and life. Chopra says, "I want to convince you that you are much more than your limited body, ego, and personality...At its deepest level, your body is ageless, your mind timeless."
This seems to make sense to me on some deeper level. Why do some people age so quickly, while others do not? How can you sense when someone has an old soul or is young at heart? I think time is our perception of life but I'm not convinced yet that we are ageless.
This seems to make sense to me on some deeper level. Why do some people age so quickly, while others do not? How can you sense when someone has an old soul or is young at heart? I think time is our perception of life but I'm not convinced yet that we are ageless.
Friday, November 5, 2010
The Land Where No One is Old (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Chopra)
Chopra challenges us to go on a journey where "...the rules of everyday existence do not apply." These rules include the belief, "...that to grow old, become frail, and die is the ultimate destiny of all." He wants us to suspend these belief while we read this book and become open to a new reality, "...where youthful vigor, renewal, creativity, joy, fulfillment, and time-lessness are the common experience of everyday life, where old age, senility, infirmity, and death do not exist and are not even entertained as a possibility."
I'm looking forward to this journey Chopra. Aging, getting old, and "the end" can seem scary because it is uncertain. But isn't that what this whole life is about? Exploring, learning, finding out new things every single day. New challenges and lessons throughout all of life to keep it interesting. I take your challenge, Chopra and will be open to the idea that aging is a belief that man made up.
I'm looking forward to this journey Chopra. Aging, getting old, and "the end" can seem scary because it is uncertain. But isn't that what this whole life is about? Exploring, learning, finding out new things every single day. New challenges and lessons throughout all of life to keep it interesting. I take your challenge, Chopra and will be open to the idea that aging is a belief that man made up.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Aging is reversible (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Deepak Chopra)
In Ageless Body, Timeless Mind Deepak Chopra claims that aging is reversible and that time is relevant to how we perceive it. Deepak says, "I'm convinced that if you do the exercises in this book, you will dramatically slow down and even reverse the aging process." Now that's exciting!
Deepak summarizes the main principles in his book.
Deepak summarizes the main principles in his book.
- Aging is reversible
- Aging, or entropy, is accelerated by the accumulation of toxins in the body.
- Physical exercise, including weight training, has a direct effect on the bio-markers of aging and will reverse the aging process.
- Proper nutrition and nutritional supplements, including antioxidants, are a very useful adjunct in slowing down the aging process.
- Meditation lowers biological age.
- Love is the most powerful and potent medicine. It heals but it also renews.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Last Words: Walking Through Illusion by Betsy Otter Thompson
Walking Through Illusion was an eye-opening book for me. I learned a great deal about reflections in life toward my own. That everyone and everything around me is a teacher and a guide for me to learn and become better. The subjects of the book were honest with their struggles; a clear guide of how to learn from our surroundings. As the book progresses it became more clear what mirrors are and what purpose they have in my life; give love and you will receive love; be truthful and receive truth. I hope that you also learned as much as I have and will look to your mirrors to learn the lessons set out for you and your purpose. Please check out Betsy's website at http://betsythompson.com/ to get your own copy of this remarkable book. Thank you Betsy for this opportunity!
Continuing on with this self-help guru journey I will be reviewing Deepak Chopra's famous book, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind published in 1993. He is a spiritual guide and self-help guru with a background in medicine. I saw Deepak speak in Denver last month. He spoke of the formula of happiness and the studies that are being done to connect spirituality and physical health. Very exciting stuff! Stay tuned for this new book adventure on Monday.
Continuing on with this self-help guru journey I will be reviewing Deepak Chopra's famous book, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind published in 1993. He is a spiritual guide and self-help guru with a background in medicine. I saw Deepak speak in Denver last month. He spoke of the formula of happiness and the studies that are being done to connect spirituality and physical health. Very exciting stuff! Stay tuned for this new book adventure on Monday.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Why are we living in Time? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
We are here on this Earth as energy experimenting. This life is research, explains Jesus in Walking Through Illusion. Thompson explains that we all choose whom we become in human form to fulfill whatever lessons we need to learn. She explains the story between Herod, a powerful ruler in the Bible and Jesus. Herod's people were worried that Jesus would capture the allegiance of all that followed them. Herod did not feel this threat from Jesus' teachings. Nonetheless, he offered Jesus a job in his organization. Jesus declined. Herod didn't understand except that maybe Jesus wanted more money. Jesus tells him that money is not the reward he seeks. Jesus stays true to his purpose and the time he has on Earth. Instead of getting distracted by money he remembers his real purpose is to spread the word of God.
How many things are you distracted by? Jesus says that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. When a door opens, walk through it. Each one of us has a specific path and journey. We have been given this time on Earth for this special purpose. Ignore distractions and use your time wisely.
How many things are you distracted by? Jesus says that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. When a door opens, walk through it. Each one of us has a specific path and journey. We have been given this time on Earth for this special purpose. Ignore distractions and use your time wisely.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Death? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
In Walking Through Illusion, Thompson asks Jesus if he was afraid of death. He says, "Death had to be real to be feared. When I knew death was impossible, I couldn't fear something I knew did not exist." Pilate, the man who played a role in Jesus' death, was a man seeking power his whole life. He killed and lorded over people's lives to feel this power that he needed to feel. What he didn't realize was, "...to participate in a person's death was to kill a body that one God thought informative. And since everyone is one, he killed a part of himself in the process." We are all connected. What you do to someone will return unto you and vice versa. Pilate gave out death and received death in his soul.
When my dad passed 6 years ago I hadn't really experienced death in my life. I soon began exploration of what death is. I believe that the spirit is energy and it cannot be destroyed. I believe my dad's energy still exists. Since his death, my sister, mom and myself find dimes in the strangest places. I found one the other day on the floor in the locker room. This is our sign that he is still around. He died on the 10th...not sure if that is why but I don't really care why. All I know is that we have a lot of dimes. When I think of death in these terms I am not afraid because it is part of the process. The connection to all exists for me. What do you believe?
When my dad passed 6 years ago I hadn't really experienced death in my life. I soon began exploration of what death is. I believe that the spirit is energy and it cannot be destroyed. I believe my dad's energy still exists. Since his death, my sister, mom and myself find dimes in the strangest places. I found one the other day on the floor in the locker room. This is our sign that he is still around. He died on the 10th...not sure if that is why but I don't really care why. All I know is that we have a lot of dimes. When I think of death in these terms I am not afraid because it is part of the process. The connection to all exists for me. What do you believe?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Why do we get confused? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
One form of confusion can be when you believe in your perspective and act upon it while in reality it is something else. In Walking Through Illusion, Thompson talks about Philip, a tailor from the Bible. "...he believed that his disrespectful children were the reason he was miserable. As Philip confides in Jesus, he explains that, "To earn their respect, Philip, you have to understand what respect means to you." The point is that Philip's perspective was all wrong. He thought the problem was his children's to solve and not his own. He would make more rules for his children but he never enforced them. How could his children respect him if he didn't respect himself and his own rules? Also, did he listen to his children's request? If he wanted to be heard then he also needed to hear them. This all added to Philip's confusion.
I think all of us want to be liked by others. I let others know I like them even if I've just met them. Some of those people, but not too many actually rub me the wrong way. I fake being nice to them but behind closed doors I will say how I really feel, usually to Nate or my sister. In turn, when I meet them again, they may not be as friendly as they were the first time. Thus, confirming my beliefs that they rub me the wrong way. Possibly, it's because I've talked poorly about them and the law of mirrors reflects that and returns it back to me. I've always been confused as to why this happens and now I understand. Changing the logic the other way around; What if they don't like me and talk behind my back? Then, the next time I see them I unknowingly am not as cordial. Maybe because they are getting their feelings about me returned to them. It sounds confusing but it makes sense! Try to notice how you treat others and how they treat you back. Look at what you say behind their back as opposed to how you are when you are with them. Are they reflecting your attitude toward them back on you?
I think all of us want to be liked by others. I let others know I like them even if I've just met them. Some of those people, but not too many actually rub me the wrong way. I fake being nice to them but behind closed doors I will say how I really feel, usually to Nate or my sister. In turn, when I meet them again, they may not be as friendly as they were the first time. Thus, confirming my beliefs that they rub me the wrong way. Possibly, it's because I've talked poorly about them and the law of mirrors reflects that and returns it back to me. I've always been confused as to why this happens and now I understand. Changing the logic the other way around; What if they don't like me and talk behind my back? Then, the next time I see them I unknowingly am not as cordial. Maybe because they are getting their feelings about me returned to them. It sounds confusing but it makes sense! Try to notice how you treat others and how they treat you back. Look at what you say behind their back as opposed to how you are when you are with them. Are they reflecting your attitude toward them back on you?
Monday, October 25, 2010
Are Memories Controllable? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
"To remember your past is one thing. To remember it clearly is another." Betsy Otter Thomspon
Thompson asks Jesus in her dialogue with him in Walking Through Illusion what it means for him to remember the past clearly. He says, "It meant for me to remember the growth it brought to the present." Even if the memory is awful it is better to remember and learn.
I was just thinking about my past year and all the lessons I have learned. I am not proud of all the moments but I can use the memories of my past to learn from. I noticed that the more I have been mean or angry toward someone the more anger I got back and the more distance grew between us. Usually in the beginning of a deep relationship there is a lot of love being passed back and forth. As I contemplated this from my past, I realized that the more love I gave the more I got back in return. Exactly what I wanted and still want to this day. Walking Through Illusion is opening my eyes to the mirror of the past, present and future. I can see why things were the way the were in relation to who I was in the past. I can also see where I would like the future to be with lot's of love. I better start loving a lot more!
Thompson asks Jesus in her dialogue with him in Walking Through Illusion what it means for him to remember the past clearly. He says, "It meant for me to remember the growth it brought to the present." Even if the memory is awful it is better to remember and learn.
I was just thinking about my past year and all the lessons I have learned. I am not proud of all the moments but I can use the memories of my past to learn from. I noticed that the more I have been mean or angry toward someone the more anger I got back and the more distance grew between us. Usually in the beginning of a deep relationship there is a lot of love being passed back and forth. As I contemplated this from my past, I realized that the more love I gave the more I got back in return. Exactly what I wanted and still want to this day. Walking Through Illusion is opening my eyes to the mirror of the past, present and future. I can see why things were the way the were in relation to who I was in the past. I can also see where I would like the future to be with lot's of love. I better start loving a lot more!
Friday, October 22, 2010
What does hate create? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
Hatred is an intense feeling and is usually backed with actions of revenge. This revenge only does harm and does not heal the emotional wounds. Mary, from the Bible and in Walking Through Illusion, was an abused girl by her father. She hated him for abusing her. Thompson explains that as she got older she confronted her dad. Unfortunately, she suffered physical abuse and was badly injured. She goes to Jesus and he asks her which she prefers, "...the pain from lashing out over and over or the pain from abstinence once?" Mary didn't like hearing this because she felt she was the victim and why should she be the one to change. Mary confesses to Jesus that she doesn't love her father. Jesus says, "I told her she didn't have to love him; she only had to release him." This was the only way to find the love in her personal turmoil.
What personal turmoil are you going through right now? Holding onto the hate only causes pain for yourself. Hate only causes destruction. Although, Mary's case is an extreme case where you may think she is justified in her hate she is only continually living in her own pain by holding onto the hate. Letting go and finding the love in your situation is the way to release yourself from your pain. Mary eventually realizes that her father was also searching for love but in all the wrong ways. As she released her hate toward her father she began to understand his pain and this made it easier for her find the love in her situation.
What personal turmoil are you going through right now? Holding onto the hate only causes pain for yourself. Hate only causes destruction. Although, Mary's case is an extreme case where you may think she is justified in her hate she is only continually living in her own pain by holding onto the hate. Letting go and finding the love in your situation is the way to release yourself from your pain. Mary eventually realizes that her father was also searching for love but in all the wrong ways. As she released her hate toward her father she began to understand his pain and this made it easier for her find the love in her situation.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
What is your real identity? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
"Names, titles, and places lose their validity as soon as you leave the human plane. The emotion behind them lasts forever." Betsy Otter Thompson
Vrotskuv was a soldier who delivered prisoners to the sites of their crucifixion. He led Jesus in the Bible, Thompson, begins to explain in Walking Through Illusion. As Vrotskuv is escorting Jesus, their eyes meet and he receives a special message, "We are all in charge of ourselves in the love of God forever." The feeling was infinite and full of love. He was expecting hatred and anger from the man he was leading to his death. This encounter changed Vrotskuv's life forever. He continued to search for this feeling because in it he felt he found himself. Thompson points out that this was the theme that kept recurring, "We always find ourselves in the people we face." He learned that day to continue to look for the love in people, the godliness in everyone in order to feel the connection he had that day with Jesus, with God.
I was just telling Nate, my boyfriend, that I can see we have the same flaws in many different areas of life. It's almost awkward. It really is true that we can see ourselves in other people; the love, the hate, the good and the bad. Nate was sharing with me that I am a pessimist about our relationship while I shared with him that he is a pessimist of other people. It was ironic. We could both see the pessimism in each other and we both didn't like it yet we both are that way. Interesting...
Vrotskuv was a soldier who delivered prisoners to the sites of their crucifixion. He led Jesus in the Bible, Thompson, begins to explain in Walking Through Illusion. As Vrotskuv is escorting Jesus, their eyes meet and he receives a special message, "We are all in charge of ourselves in the love of God forever." The feeling was infinite and full of love. He was expecting hatred and anger from the man he was leading to his death. This encounter changed Vrotskuv's life forever. He continued to search for this feeling because in it he felt he found himself. Thompson points out that this was the theme that kept recurring, "We always find ourselves in the people we face." He learned that day to continue to look for the love in people, the godliness in everyone in order to feel the connection he had that day with Jesus, with God.
I was just telling Nate, my boyfriend, that I can see we have the same flaws in many different areas of life. It's almost awkward. It really is true that we can see ourselves in other people; the love, the hate, the good and the bad. Nate was sharing with me that I am a pessimist about our relationship while I shared with him that he is a pessimist of other people. It was ironic. We could both see the pessimism in each other and we both didn't like it yet we both are that way. Interesting...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Why is betrayal so painful? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
"Betrayal is an act of doing in a way you'd hate to be done to." Betsy Otter Thompson
In Walking Through Illusion, Thompson, dives into the controversial story of Judas' betrayal of Jesus. She explains that his betrayal was not to hurt Jesus but to free himself of his own inability. Judas hoped that he could persuade Jesus to leave town by turning him in and warning Jesus beforehand. In this way Judas could save Jesus from dying. Judas thinks to himself, "How will you find your spiritual growth if your spiritual leader is dead?" In reality, Judas didn't have enough courage to leave town himself and was hoping that if Jesus left he could too. He didn't want Jesus to die and thought if he could get Jesus to leave then he would be safe. To Judas' dismay, Jesus did not leave town. His actions were selfish and they didn't work. Instead he betrayed his friend and then couldn't live with his limiting thought, that there was nothing left in this life for him to progress through and he commits suicide. Betrayal is never a good option. It hurts others and it hurts yourself.
Another life-changing point Thompson points out is that we all have the same opportunity of success here on this Earth. That it's not unfair that some have more than others such as money or fame but that everyone has a fair chance to succeed in feeling all the love, joy and peace one desires. People think the material possessions will bring us these eternal feelings of goodness but they don't. These feelings, we all seek, come from how much we give out. Everyone has the opportunity to feel their highest potential. It's a matter of mirrors. Give love to receive love. Do not betray, do not get betrayed. Give peace, receive peace. We all want happiness, to feel good. Give out what you want. Change your thoughts. Change your actions. Change how you feel. Jesus says, in Walking Through Illusion, "When I knew the ultimate prize was a feeling to be experienced, not a place to be led to, I urged people to listen to themselves." We are all on common ground when it comes to living our greatest life. It is the feeling we possess not the external success we are trying to achieve.
In Walking Through Illusion, Thompson, dives into the controversial story of Judas' betrayal of Jesus. She explains that his betrayal was not to hurt Jesus but to free himself of his own inability. Judas hoped that he could persuade Jesus to leave town by turning him in and warning Jesus beforehand. In this way Judas could save Jesus from dying. Judas thinks to himself, "How will you find your spiritual growth if your spiritual leader is dead?" In reality, Judas didn't have enough courage to leave town himself and was hoping that if Jesus left he could too. He didn't want Jesus to die and thought if he could get Jesus to leave then he would be safe. To Judas' dismay, Jesus did not leave town. His actions were selfish and they didn't work. Instead he betrayed his friend and then couldn't live with his limiting thought, that there was nothing left in this life for him to progress through and he commits suicide. Betrayal is never a good option. It hurts others and it hurts yourself.
Another life-changing point Thompson points out is that we all have the same opportunity of success here on this Earth. That it's not unfair that some have more than others such as money or fame but that everyone has a fair chance to succeed in feeling all the love, joy and peace one desires. People think the material possessions will bring us these eternal feelings of goodness but they don't. These feelings, we all seek, come from how much we give out. Everyone has the opportunity to feel their highest potential. It's a matter of mirrors. Give love to receive love. Do not betray, do not get betrayed. Give peace, receive peace. We all want happiness, to feel good. Give out what you want. Change your thoughts. Change your actions. Change how you feel. Jesus says, in Walking Through Illusion, "When I knew the ultimate prize was a feeling to be experienced, not a place to be led to, I urged people to listen to themselves." We are all on common ground when it comes to living our greatest life. It is the feeling we possess not the external success we are trying to achieve.
Monday, October 18, 2010
What are the blessings in your pain? Handicaps (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
We all have strengths and we all have handicaps. In Walking Through Illusion, Jesus is asked by the author, Thompson, if he knew anyone with a handicap. His response can be taken in a physical sense or a spiritual one, "A real handicap was one that pushed a person to find the blessing beyond the pain." He continues, people with a handicap are able to heal themselves if they are willing to see the bigger picture, the blessing. Usually, it's our pain that pushes us to go farther and be better. For example, in honor of breast cancer awareness month, it's Susan Komen's death that motivated her younger sister, Nancy, to begin the largest money raising, breast cancer awareness, research program in the world. She was able to see through her pain into the blessing of her sister's handicap.
Handicaps are the limits we place on ourselves. My handicap is my insecurity in relationships which has followed me into every one I've had. Yes, I am the jealous type. It limits me because when a situation is innocent I jump to wrong conclusions, sabotaging my relationship and bond I have put time and energy into creating. I am given the best advice from Thompson's book; to look inside your own heart when searching for love. When I get triggered I can tell myself that I love me and that's good enough; to not worry; be confident that I am a capable woman that can stand alone if needed.
Lastly, through Jesus' words Thompson reminds us to pay attention to our thoughts and to change the ones that are negative. If I have a thought that, "All men cheat." I can change that belief that, "Men are faithful." I get to choose to change this anytime I want. What are the blessings in your pain? What negative thoughts can you turn into positive thoughts that you truly believe?
Handicaps are the limits we place on ourselves. My handicap is my insecurity in relationships which has followed me into every one I've had. Yes, I am the jealous type. It limits me because when a situation is innocent I jump to wrong conclusions, sabotaging my relationship and bond I have put time and energy into creating. I am given the best advice from Thompson's book; to look inside your own heart when searching for love. When I get triggered I can tell myself that I love me and that's good enough; to not worry; be confident that I am a capable woman that can stand alone if needed.
Lastly, through Jesus' words Thompson reminds us to pay attention to our thoughts and to change the ones that are negative. If I have a thought that, "All men cheat." I can change that belief that, "Men are faithful." I get to choose to change this anytime I want. What are the blessings in your pain? What negative thoughts can you turn into positive thoughts that you truly believe?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The heart (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
Kaleb, a business man portrayed in the Bible and in Thompson's book Walking Through Illusion, hoped to gain what everybody did from a talent they enjoyed, "...a heart full of love and contentment." Instead, he was arrogant because of his talent and looked down upon his co-workers. Eventually, Kaleb became very sick and bed-ridden. Jesus came to his bed to talk. After discussing many things (politics, work, family life) Jesus discovers what is wrong with Kaleb. He says, " ...you have the same thing wrong with you that we have wrong with us." Kaleb thinks to himself, "They have heart conditions too?" Then, Kaleb understood; "We all come here with heart conditions and we're all trying to heal them." Kaleb then realizes that if everyone else has a heart condition just as he does then why is he in bed and they are standing up? Kaleb, then, stands up and is healed of his "heart condition."
As in Kaleb's story, we have all gotten wrapped up in our own problems without realizing that we don't have to. It's all a matter of perspective. Kaleb just needed to be reminded of where he came from to return to it. There are times when we get tunnel vision with work, our family, or our children and we can't see anything else. There is a lot more to see out there besides our own perspective.
As in Kaleb's story, we have all gotten wrapped up in our own problems without realizing that we don't have to. It's all a matter of perspective. Kaleb just needed to be reminded of where he came from to return to it. There are times when we get tunnel vision with work, our family, or our children and we can't see anything else. There is a lot more to see out there besides our own perspective.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Acceptance (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
"You can choose to see the love in your life or you can choose to see the opposite. But if you have a choice, why not see the love?" Betsy Otter Thompson
In Thompson's dialogue with Jesus, she asks if his inner circle had a hard time accepting who he was when others were cruel to him. He answers, "Especially when others were cruel. Who needed acceptance when the world was full of love? When it wasn't, that's when acceptance counted." She goes on to explain how Thaddeus, from the Bible, was born with a stutter and many people did not accept him for this difference. Judas particularly unaccepted Thaddeus. Avoid Judas Thaddeus tried. But Jesus makes the point that to avoid Judas was to not accept him. Therefore, he was doing the same thing but in a different way than Judas. Lastly, when having a hard time with not be accepted by others, look at your strengths instead of your weaknesses. We all have weaknesses. When we don't accept someone else we are not accepting ourselves. The first step is to accept ourselves. Good point Thompson!
In Thompson's dialogue with Jesus, she asks if his inner circle had a hard time accepting who he was when others were cruel to him. He answers, "Especially when others were cruel. Who needed acceptance when the world was full of love? When it wasn't, that's when acceptance counted." She goes on to explain how Thaddeus, from the Bible, was born with a stutter and many people did not accept him for this difference. Judas particularly unaccepted Thaddeus. Avoid Judas Thaddeus tried. But Jesus makes the point that to avoid Judas was to not accept him. Therefore, he was doing the same thing but in a different way than Judas. Lastly, when having a hard time with not be accepted by others, look at your strengths instead of your weaknesses. We all have weaknesses. When we don't accept someone else we are not accepting ourselves. The first step is to accept ourselves. Good point Thompson!
Monday, October 11, 2010
What does complaining do to you? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
We all complain. Usually, when we complain its about something we want changed and don't like about someone or a situation. Sometimes, it's something that we do to others and when it's done to us we don't like it. Some examples could be complaining about someone being late to a meeting or someone not driving quick enough in front of you. The ironic part is that we all have been late to a meeting and driven slow for some reason. In my eyes, complaining only causes negative feelings in any situation. There are two ways to approach a situation you don't like; complain or actively try to fix the situation. There are always two sides to the coin and you can make the best out of any situation. Complaining only brings yourself and others around you down.
Thompson, in Walking Through Illusion, explains it best in her dialogue with Jesus, about his work fishing with Andrew, from the Bible. Jesus wasn't the best at it and Andrew complained about it. Jesus knew the truth that he wasn't a skilled fisherman and didn't take it personally. After Andrew complained, he would feel very badly and always apologized. Complaining usually results in negative feelings and even guilt afterward. So, what's the point of complaining?
Thompson, in Walking Through Illusion, explains it best in her dialogue with Jesus, about his work fishing with Andrew, from the Bible. Jesus wasn't the best at it and Andrew complained about it. Jesus knew the truth that he wasn't a skilled fisherman and didn't take it personally. After Andrew complained, he would feel very badly and always apologized. Complaining usually results in negative feelings and even guilt afterward. So, what's the point of complaining?
Saturday, October 9, 2010
What type of advice is good? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
Thompson starts out asking Jesus, in Walking Through Illusion, what type of advice was worthy of giving to others. His response, "The kind I loved receiving." Giving advice can be good or bad. The key, explains Thompson, is that unsolicited advice is more of a distraction than a gift. The advice we need is right in front of us. If we suffer from something, it is only because we are telling ourselves to suffer, explains Thompson. Lazarus, from the Bible, suffers in his life but he turns it around once he realizes that he doesn't have to. He changes his perspective and suffering stops for him. The best advice, is the advice you are giving yourself in every aspect of your life. What you give out you get back. If you want to receive more love, give more love. If you want to laugh more, make other's laugh more. If you want to suffer less, create less suffering for others. Thompson sums it up best in the words of Jesus, "Your body follows wherever the mind takes it, so love the journey, appreciate the gift, and value the growth it offers. There will never be another experience exactly like this one. Honor your choices and believe in what they have taught you."
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Who's Truth is the Right Truth? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
The older (and wiser) I get, the more I realize that the truth is ever changing. What I thought to be true turns out to be only my perspective from my experiences. So, who's truth is the right truth? Yours or mine? Doubting Thomas, from the Bible, in Walking Through Illusion, complained that he was a victim of his parents. He had a "poor me" attitude. Since the truth is usually just your perspective (and you can change your perspective) he is told, "Instead of pinpointing all the ways these people have ruined your life, highlight all the ways they have pushed you to find a new one." It is possible to change your old beliefs.
When we do try to change, it won't be over night. People will still treat us like we are our former selves with the same beliefs. I used to be very judgmental of other people. With all of my growth and working on myself I am not, as much, anymore. I still come across people who expect me to be. People may doubt your new truth but continue in your new beliefs. Belief comes when action is taken, states Thompson.
When we do try to change, it won't be over night. People will still treat us like we are our former selves with the same beliefs. I used to be very judgmental of other people. With all of my growth and working on myself I am not, as much, anymore. I still come across people who expect me to be. People may doubt your new truth but continue in your new beliefs. Belief comes when action is taken, states Thompson.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Curiosity-What are we searching for? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
The things in this world are fun to discover. There are so many different curiosities to unfold. Life should be enjoyable to discover all of it's treasures. Thompson, in Walking Through Illusion, makes the powerful acknowledgment to find the love in each new adventure. The love is the light which brings purpose and personal fulfillment to every new discovery.
"Faith can't be bought, bartered, or begotten. It is the knowledge of who you are, why you are here, and how to enjoy that search." Betsy Otter Thompson.
"Faith can't be bought, bartered, or begotten. It is the knowledge of who you are, why you are here, and how to enjoy that search." Betsy Otter Thompson.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Why is life so unfair? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
How fair are you? Do you go out of your way to be fair? John, from the Bible, struggled with fairness. He didn't realize that he needed to love the people around him, not because they deserved to be loved but because he deserved to be loved, states Thompson in Walking Through Illusion. Money was scarce for John. He didn't think it was fair that he needed to work so hard to survive. Jesus gives him very useful advice, to look at the benefits of his current state; that he has a job; he can help his family; his lowly status taught him lessons that the high-status people would never learn, "...that outward beauty shone briefly, while inner beauty lasted forever in the hearts of those who felt it." John learned that fairness was already his. As much as he gave out, he got back.
Thompson is a strong advocate for realizing your mirrors in life and learning from them. Your mirror is anyone and any event or situation in your life. Whatever you are going through, look back at yourself and how the situation reflects your own attitude and actions in life.
Thompson is a strong advocate for realizing your mirrors in life and learning from them. Your mirror is anyone and any event or situation in your life. Whatever you are going through, look back at yourself and how the situation reflects your own attitude and actions in life.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Is approval necessary? (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
Jesus says, in Walking Through Illusion, that, "To get approval, I had to give approval; especially to myself." Another character in the Bible seeking approval was Mark, states Thompson. He was on a mission to discover the answers to his questions. As he traveled he looked for approval and acceptance. He wanted to be distinct from others; special. Mark discovers that approval comes from within. That status in life doesn't make you worthy or not of approval. He observed that although Jesus was just a carpenter he still pursued a life of travel and preaching to others. Jesus wasn't waiting around to be someone. He approved of himself and therefore others approved of him.
I usually try to go out of my way to be nice to others so they will accept me. If someone isn't as receptive of me as I hoped then my feelings get hurt. I, too, am looking for approval and acceptance. I'm learning, though, that not everyone will accept me. We all come from such different backgrounds and teachings. We are here to teach each other and it's okay if someone doesn't approve of me. I am in the process of learning this. As Thompson also struggled with approval she says that, "I knew that progress couldn't come from her [Thompson's mother] approval; only from self-approval."
I usually try to go out of my way to be nice to others so they will accept me. If someone isn't as receptive of me as I hoped then my feelings get hurt. I, too, am looking for approval and acceptance. I'm learning, though, that not everyone will accept me. We all come from such different backgrounds and teachings. We are here to teach each other and it's okay if someone doesn't approve of me. I am in the process of learning this. As Thompson also struggled with approval she says that, "I knew that progress couldn't come from her [Thompson's mother] approval; only from self-approval."
Friday, October 1, 2010
Opinions, They are yours only! (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
"Remember your first opinion? Remember what happened to it? Remember why it changed? Every belief is meaningful until another one comes along to love you more." Betsy Otter Thompson
In Walking Through Illusion, there is a family conflict between two brothers, Seth and Matthew. Seth has a bad opinion of his family and begins to spread his opinion to others. Matthew, wanting to stop this, asks Jesus how. Jesus' advice is to "Highlight his strengths instead of his weaknesses...and let the focus shift." Matthew, reluctantly, followed Jesus' advice. If he wanted Seth to stop saying negative remarks about their family, possibly, focusing on Seth's positive qualities instead of putting him down might change him around. Why was he saying negative remarks about the family in the first place? Maybe he wasn't getting the love he needed and therefore for formed a negative opinion. To conclude, Seth did have qualities to be admonished by Matthew and Seth loved hearing them. There was a turn around in their relationship.
The point Thompson is making is to look at ourselves when things are not going the way we want them to. If someone is talking mean about you, are you talking mean about them to other people? Why not start finding the good in that person? Possibly, you will be able to turn a situation around just like Matthew did with Seth. Opinions are your own to change or not change as you will. I changed a negative opinion about a girlfriend of mine into a positive one and we are now better friends; a friendship I enjoy very much. Remember: You can change your opinion. You have the power.
In Walking Through Illusion, there is a family conflict between two brothers, Seth and Matthew. Seth has a bad opinion of his family and begins to spread his opinion to others. Matthew, wanting to stop this, asks Jesus how. Jesus' advice is to "Highlight his strengths instead of his weaknesses...and let the focus shift." Matthew, reluctantly, followed Jesus' advice. If he wanted Seth to stop saying negative remarks about their family, possibly, focusing on Seth's positive qualities instead of putting him down might change him around. Why was he saying negative remarks about the family in the first place? Maybe he wasn't getting the love he needed and therefore for formed a negative opinion. To conclude, Seth did have qualities to be admonished by Matthew and Seth loved hearing them. There was a turn around in their relationship.
The point Thompson is making is to look at ourselves when things are not going the way we want them to. If someone is talking mean about you, are you talking mean about them to other people? Why not start finding the good in that person? Possibly, you will be able to turn a situation around just like Matthew did with Seth. Opinions are your own to change or not change as you will. I changed a negative opinion about a girlfriend of mine into a positive one and we are now better friends; a friendship I enjoy very much. Remember: You can change your opinion. You have the power.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
How important are beliefs? (Walking Through Illusions, Thompson)
"The awful people around him [Paul, from the Bible] were the miracles waiting to happen." We all have many hurdles to overcome throughout life including people who do things that are not good (steal, lie, cheat...) Thompson, in Walking Through Illusion, clearly shows that these people are the catalyst to a miracle happening. Instead of seeing someone as a robber or a cheater look at how they can be transformed, through a miracle, into a good person.
Paul had a nemesis, Nero. Paul was convinced in his attempt to condemn Nero. He reasoned that God was involved in his beliefs because he followed God and that God is judging the good and the bad. Therefore, he was justified in also judging Nero, explains Thompson.
I know I have judged many times because I think my beliefs are right and therefore I am justified in my judgment. Every time I have found that I have no right to judge because my beliefs are my beliefs. My actions are based upon my beliefs. Beliefs are different from person to person. I also don't know exactly what their going through and why they are behaving the way they are. I have no right to judge. Judgment is between God and you, not God, me and you. Judging only hurts your relationships as it creates an uncommon ground between two people. Betsy asks Jesus, in the dialogue of the book, why Paul wanted to share his beliefs so badly. Jesus replies with a question, "More to the point, if he was happy in his beliefs, why did it matter who else had them?" Good point!
Paul had a nemesis, Nero. Paul was convinced in his attempt to condemn Nero. He reasoned that God was involved in his beliefs because he followed God and that God is judging the good and the bad. Therefore, he was justified in also judging Nero, explains Thompson.
I know I have judged many times because I think my beliefs are right and therefore I am justified in my judgment. Every time I have found that I have no right to judge because my beliefs are my beliefs. My actions are based upon my beliefs. Beliefs are different from person to person. I also don't know exactly what their going through and why they are behaving the way they are. I have no right to judge. Judgment is between God and you, not God, me and you. Judging only hurts your relationships as it creates an uncommon ground between two people. Betsy asks Jesus, in the dialogue of the book, why Paul wanted to share his beliefs so badly. Jesus replies with a question, "More to the point, if he was happy in his beliefs, why did it matter who else had them?" Good point!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Nourishment: Getting the support you need (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
Everyday we do things for others and vice versa. We get fulfillment from a job well done and support from our manager and peers. It's this nourishment that Thompson, in Walking Through Illusion, speaks about that Paul, from the Bible, was seeking throughout his life. Paul was a hard worker and was successful. He learned a great lesson with his wealth; when he gave away the least of what he had, the least returned; when he gave away his best, the best returned to him states Thompson.
What was the last thing you gave and what did you receive in return?
"Money as a gift is a lovely form of nourishment. If it's around, use it well. If it isn't, make good use of what is around." Betsy Thompson
What was the last thing you gave and what did you receive in return?
"Money as a gift is a lovely form of nourishment. If it's around, use it well. If it isn't, make good use of what is around." Betsy Thompson
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Morality (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
"You are the light you let in, the love you give, the beauty you define, and the reason you live." Betsy Thompson
In Thompson's book, Walking Through Illusion, she has a unique dialogue among Jesus and herself. In the question of morality, Jesus says that he believes morality is uniquely defined in every moment of history; that each society has it's own morality to consider. What may have been acceptable in the past may not be in today's society and vice versa. For example women used to be seen as second class citizens and this was morally accepted, at least in public. In today's world there are laws and punishments if a woman is not treated as an equal to her counterpart.
Peter, the fisherman in the Bible, only knew his reality to be what he was feeling. He was unfulfilled when he gave his fish away without enjoyment, says Thompson. Furthermore, morally, he felt it was wrong to kill fish, a living thing on this Earth. His illusion was that giving something would fulfill him but the reality is that his fulfillment came when he gave with enjoyment. The only way for him to give with enjoyment is knowing that it was ok to morally kill the fish because that was the process of life, a way to continue human civilization.
Thompson's main theme thus far is that life is a mirror to your life. What you give out is what you get back. What you are experiencing is what you are. If Nate (my boyfriend) is being unloving to me it is because I am being unloving to him. What in your life are you projecting onto others? Morally, we all have our own beliefs and ideas on what it is. How can we begin to see our mirrors and learn from them?
In Thompson's book, Walking Through Illusion, she has a unique dialogue among Jesus and herself. In the question of morality, Jesus says that he believes morality is uniquely defined in every moment of history; that each society has it's own morality to consider. What may have been acceptable in the past may not be in today's society and vice versa. For example women used to be seen as second class citizens and this was morally accepted, at least in public. In today's world there are laws and punishments if a woman is not treated as an equal to her counterpart.
Peter, the fisherman in the Bible, only knew his reality to be what he was feeling. He was unfulfilled when he gave his fish away without enjoyment, says Thompson. Furthermore, morally, he felt it was wrong to kill fish, a living thing on this Earth. His illusion was that giving something would fulfill him but the reality is that his fulfillment came when he gave with enjoyment. The only way for him to give with enjoyment is knowing that it was ok to morally kill the fish because that was the process of life, a way to continue human civilization.
Thompson's main theme thus far is that life is a mirror to your life. What you give out is what you get back. What you are experiencing is what you are. If Nate (my boyfriend) is being unloving to me it is because I am being unloving to him. What in your life are you projecting onto others? Morally, we all have our own beliefs and ideas on what it is. How can we begin to see our mirrors and learn from them?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Obstacles of Life (Walking Through Illusion, Thompson)
Thompson, in Walking Through Illusion, dives into the obstacles that Peter, the fisherman faced in the Bible. Most of us have probably seen an episode of The Deadliest Catch and how difficult the life of a fisherman can be. Peter realized when he fished with love he had a better day. It didn't matter how good of a fisherman Peter was. Thompson says, "When he fished for love, those on the shore couldn't wait for the catch. When he fished for reward, those on shore avoided it." As Thompson states it best, Peter was, "...not waiting for the fish to bite but waiting for the heart to right." When the fish were not available to Peter he needed to self-reflect where in his heart he was not available to others. Life is a mirror for us. What you are not getting you are not giving.
Another illusionary obstacle that Peter faced was sickness. Thompson explains that physical sickness represents a deeper internal issue. "e.g. an achy spine could mean a lack of support; a stiff neck could mean a stubborn stalemate; an achy shoulder could mean a painful burden." Peter just needed to identify the problem, act on his own behalf to heal his issue. Then, his illusion could move into reality.
It's ironic because I have a cold right now. I have been so busy with social events, work, family and friends. On top of that I have been double-booking my time by accident and needing to cancel one of the appointments. I think I have caught a cold because my body is telling me to slow down similar to Peter's obstacle of getting sick. I'm usually booked two weeks out with no time for just sitting and being alone. Ahhh, it's nice to be sick right now.
Another illusionary obstacle that Peter faced was sickness. Thompson explains that physical sickness represents a deeper internal issue. "e.g. an achy spine could mean a lack of support; a stiff neck could mean a stubborn stalemate; an achy shoulder could mean a painful burden." Peter just needed to identify the problem, act on his own behalf to heal his issue. Then, his illusion could move into reality.
It's ironic because I have a cold right now. I have been so busy with social events, work, family and friends. On top of that I have been double-booking my time by accident and needing to cancel one of the appointments. I think I have caught a cold because my body is telling me to slow down similar to Peter's obstacle of getting sick. I'm usually booked two weeks out with no time for just sitting and being alone. Ahhh, it's nice to be sick right now.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Day 3: Gifts (Walking Through Illusion, Betsy Otter Thomspon)
Most of us love to receive gifts and it turns out that giving gifts is also an enjoyable experience. Giving gifts is a way of letting someone know how much you care and appreciate them. Betsy, in Walking Through Illusion, says that when gifts are given they are recycled in universal substance. Gifts are returned with added power to those who received into the universe. A gift that Jesus gave was love to everyone he came across. He believed that if he acted on the love he hoped to receive, then acts of love would return. Bartholomew, from the Bible, learns that as he gave others (for their needs) his needs were also fulfilled. His life was better the more he gave.
Not all gifts need to be bought with money. There are many other gifts that you have that are free such as your time, an ear to listen to a friend or stranger in need, your joy or encouragement even a trade of a service. One of my favorite gifts to give and receive is active listening. I have worked through many of my issues with friends who have actively listened and given me feedback. What gifts do you have to share with others?
Not all gifts need to be bought with money. There are many other gifts that you have that are free such as your time, an ear to listen to a friend or stranger in need, your joy or encouragement even a trade of a service. One of my favorite gifts to give and receive is active listening. I have worked through many of my issues with friends who have actively listened and given me feedback. What gifts do you have to share with others?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day 2: Reform (Walking Through Illusion, Betsy Thompson)
"If you think you have to change others to be happy, no one is going to change for the better from knowing you." Betsy Otter Thompson
Reform is the process in which people and structures change, hopefully, for the better. Bartholomew, from the Bible, was born into wealth and stature. He tried to create reform on the outside through his family's business, contributions to charities, and in politics. Although, he still had a hole in his heart regardless of all he had done and this caused him to be a harsh man to others. He picked on everyone else for not being like him; orderly, neat, conscientious. None of the reform on the outside could change him on the inside. This was his illusion until he discovered to reform with love. He often neglected to work out of love therefore he was unhappy and blamed others for his unhappiness. His perspective was skewed and caused the emptiness he had.
Reform, change for the better, is a process to be done with love. In this way it is meaningful. We all have different perspectives on what is right and wrong. Through another person's eyes we can begin to reform our thoughts and beliefs for the better. Add love to your reform and happiness will fill any hole that you may have.
Reform is the process in which people and structures change, hopefully, for the better. Bartholomew, from the Bible, was born into wealth and stature. He tried to create reform on the outside through his family's business, contributions to charities, and in politics. Although, he still had a hole in his heart regardless of all he had done and this caused him to be a harsh man to others. He picked on everyone else for not being like him; orderly, neat, conscientious. None of the reform on the outside could change him on the inside. This was his illusion until he discovered to reform with love. He often neglected to work out of love therefore he was unhappy and blamed others for his unhappiness. His perspective was skewed and caused the emptiness he had.
Reform, change for the better, is a process to be done with love. In this way it is meaningful. We all have different perspectives on what is right and wrong. Through another person's eyes we can begin to reform our thoughts and beliefs for the better. Add love to your reform and happiness will fill any hole that you may have.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day 1: Walking Through Illusion by Betsy Otter Thompson
Walking Through Illusion by Betsy Otter Thompson is the next book I will be blogging about. In this thoughtful and eye opening book she connects with the energy of Jesus. She dives into various lives from the Bible realizing that they are similar to her life; same experiences, feelings, triumphs and hardships. She connects the audience with each character and exposes the life lessons of each story. In life it is our own perspective that we see the world through. Looking through another person's eyes can reveal more than what is just right or wrong in your eyes. This awareness is the catalyst to more compassion, love and understanding in your life. She has a unique and intimate question and answer format with Jesus about the characters in the Bible. Each character has to deal with their illusions including Jesus. Some of these illusions include approval, fairness, acceptance and time.
I am very intrigued by this concept of learning through the lives of the characters in the Bible. This will be a book full of new ideas, a fresh perspective and lessons of life to build our character and love for ourselves and each other. This is not a book about Christianity but a book of breaking through the illusions of life. Come join me on this unique journey and unusual perspective.
Overview of Walking Through Illusion book from Betsy Otter Thompson's webpage, http://www.betsythompson.com:
– Jesus speaks of the People who shared his Journey – features a series of stories about biblical people who either knew Jesus or knew of him, and were influenced by him in one way or another. It is not a book about Christianity; it is about people who lived long before Christianity began. The book makes no attempt to preach religion; the author believes that we don’t take our beliefs with us when we leave here; we take the love we found from having them.
The stories are less about the picture these people might have lived and more about the emotions they might have experienced. Each chapter focuses on the growth of a particular person and each chapter is complete within itself with a specific theme.
The persons and themes featured include:
I am very intrigued by this concept of learning through the lives of the characters in the Bible. This will be a book full of new ideas, a fresh perspective and lessons of life to build our character and love for ourselves and each other. This is not a book about Christianity but a book of breaking through the illusions of life. Come join me on this unique journey and unusual perspective.
Overview of Walking Through Illusion book from Betsy Otter Thompson's webpage, http://www.betsythompson.com:
– Jesus speaks of the People who shared his Journey – features a series of stories about biblical people who either knew Jesus or knew of him, and were influenced by him in one way or another. It is not a book about Christianity; it is about people who lived long before Christianity began. The book makes no attempt to preach religion; the author believes that we don’t take our beliefs with us when we leave here; we take the love we found from having them.
The stories are less about the picture these people might have lived and more about the emotions they might have experienced. Each chapter focuses on the growth of a particular person and each chapter is complete within itself with a specific theme.
The persons and themes featured include:
- Bartholomew: He learned that meaningful goals were those that offered love.
- Paul: He came to realize that God didn’t take sides; God reflected the side Paul took.
- John: He learned that fairness only came when fairness had been given.
- Mary Magdalene: She hated her situation until she realized that love changed her situation.
- Aaron: He discovered that handicapped people were those who ignored their strengths.
- Judas: He forgot that to betray another was to betray himself.
- Pilate: He killed to stay alive but a part of him died anyway.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day 37: Soul Power...The Conclusion (Cleanse, Ford)
Peace is what we are all truly seeking. In order to do achieve true peace we need to let go of the past, present and future and just be. Allow life to be as it is. "Remember that you are a divine being living a human experience, not a human being struggling to be divine." says Debbie. Learn to rely on your guide, your Source.
Debbie's New Rules for Your New Life:
1. Upon waking up, breathe deeply and ask to be reminded of why you are here and what your deepest desire is for the day.
2. Bring your attention fully to the task at hand. Appreciate that you are alive today.
3. Treat your body as if it is the most precious child you have every held.
4. Let go and let God.
5. Accept your life as it is today.
6. Acknowledge yourself for every good task you accomplish...until you are blushing.
7. Donate whatever is taking up space around you that you no longer want or use.
8. Allow your adult self to take control of your adolescent self. You are an emotional being that you are fully responsible for.
9. Admit when you are wrong.
10. Release anger, resentments and grudges quickly and voice them over, privately, to the divine force within.
11. Have fun! Find pleasure in your work and with your family.
12. The best way to get love is to give love. Give love to as many people today as you can.
Lastly, remember, that everything that you have and are going through has a purpose. One that is here to give you the exact experiences you need to deliver your unique gift to the world. Debbie requests that you become one with your guide, your source; one heart, one mind and one mission.
Debbie's New Rules for Your New Life:
1. Upon waking up, breathe deeply and ask to be reminded of why you are here and what your deepest desire is for the day.
2. Bring your attention fully to the task at hand. Appreciate that you are alive today.
3. Treat your body as if it is the most precious child you have every held.
4. Let go and let God.
5. Accept your life as it is today.
6. Acknowledge yourself for every good task you accomplish...until you are blushing.
7. Donate whatever is taking up space around you that you no longer want or use.
8. Allow your adult self to take control of your adolescent self. You are an emotional being that you are fully responsible for.
9. Admit when you are wrong.
10. Release anger, resentments and grudges quickly and voice them over, privately, to the divine force within.
11. Have fun! Find pleasure in your work and with your family.
12. The best way to get love is to give love. Give love to as many people today as you can.
Lastly, remember, that everything that you have and are going through has a purpose. One that is here to give you the exact experiences you need to deliver your unique gift to the world. Debbie requests that you become one with your guide, your source; one heart, one mind and one mission.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 36: The Light of Possibility (Cleanse, Ford)
This is the last day of your consciousness cleanse. What possibility is there for you? Your foundation has been dug open and reseeded. The growth is from this point forward. Continue to plant seeds as well as yielding the fruits of your labor. Debbie wants us to trust our inner instincts and intuition. We should say 'no' when we need to and not compromise our highest selves.
In this point in the journey my intentions are to be selfless. I will give as much as I can of myself without expecting anything in return. I will trust in God to fulfill me in all my areas that need to be fulfilled instead of relying on others to fill that space. I will relax in everything I do knowing that life is to be enjoyed and fun. My life will be lived giving to others, as much as I can. I will be kind to others and actively listen to their needs. My needs are important but I do not have to stress about them getting fulfilled because they already are. I will be unwavering in my attitude and mood. I will accept other people's attitude's and moods and try to give them as much love and compassion as I can to lift them higher.
In this point in the journey my intentions are to be selfless. I will give as much as I can of myself without expecting anything in return. I will trust in God to fulfill me in all my areas that need to be fulfilled instead of relying on others to fill that space. I will relax in everything I do knowing that life is to be enjoyed and fun. My life will be lived giving to others, as much as I can. I will be kind to others and actively listen to their needs. My needs are important but I do not have to stress about them getting fulfilled because they already are. I will be unwavering in my attitude and mood. I will accept other people's attitude's and moods and try to give them as much love and compassion as I can to lift them higher.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day 35: The Light of Compassion (Clease, Ford)
Compassion is allowing your divine heart to become your compass. Instead of looking at your own past hurts and judgments you "...look through God's heart to influence your thoughts, feelings and perception." says Debbie, in The Consciousness Cleanse. Reality to you is different from my reality. We have different view points based upon our religion, race, social status, education, friends and family. Debbie says that compassion "...is the key to living outside the confines of the ego's limitations and having an expanded perception of reality." Compassion is what takes us out of the egotistical "me" state and into the "How can I serve the world?" state. In this state we are not hurt and we do not have fear because we have no need to protect ourselves because we know that God has a bigger plan than we can see. Lastly, Debbie states, that "A compassionate heart will lift you out of the pain and suffering of your own world, because it knows that everyone is doing the best they can, given their state of consciousness and the histories they're dragging behind them."
With compassion we can see that people are often limited to their past hurts and act out of their pain. I don't mean to yell at my boyfriend but when I do it's because of some past pain that I haven't dealt with or some false belief or expectation. I don't yell because I am deliberately an unkind person. It's now, looking through the divine heart, that we can begin to stop taking things so personally. Most likely someone's unkind actions toward you are not about you. I know I'm very sensitive to other people. Every time I think someone is mad at me they are not. Usually, it's something they are going through that has nothing to do with me. Let's begin with compassion because we don't know everyone's story.
With compassion we can see that people are often limited to their past hurts and act out of their pain. I don't mean to yell at my boyfriend but when I do it's because of some past pain that I haven't dealt with or some false belief or expectation. I don't yell because I am deliberately an unkind person. It's now, looking through the divine heart, that we can begin to stop taking things so personally. Most likely someone's unkind actions toward you are not about you. I know I'm very sensitive to other people. Every time I think someone is mad at me they are not. Usually, it's something they are going through that has nothing to do with me. Let's begin with compassion because we don't know everyone's story.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 34: The Light of Purpose (Cleanse, Ford)
Your purpose can be tricky to discover, especially when you have been told what you are and are not good at. It's easiest to stick with where our lives have taken us so far. You do have an overall purpose in this lifetime. The way to discover it is to look way into the future to when you have already passed on. What will people say your contribution was? How long will you be remembered after you pass? Debbie, in The Consciousness Cleanse, is not saying that you have to accomplish something that the world calls big but it could be in your positive influence with the people that come across your path everyday in the job you are doing right now! Being a success is following your purpose.
When my dad passed, 7 years ago, he left his legacy of being kind toward anyone (I mean anyone!), giving as much as he could of his services and spreading God's cheer into other lives. I continue to look to him as an example on giving and loving others. He did it unconditionally, from his heart. His funeral was packed because of all the lives he had touched. When I come across people who knew him, to this day, they always put in a kind word about him, that they still think about him, how they learned life lessons from him and that they miss his presence. What a legacy my dad left! What legacy will you leave?
When my dad passed, 7 years ago, he left his legacy of being kind toward anyone (I mean anyone!), giving as much as he could of his services and spreading God's cheer into other lives. I continue to look to him as an example on giving and loving others. He did it unconditionally, from his heart. His funeral was packed because of all the lives he had touched. When I come across people who knew him, to this day, they always put in a kind word about him, that they still think about him, how they learned life lessons from him and that they miss his presence. What a legacy my dad left! What legacy will you leave?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 33: The Light of Transcendence (Cleanse, Ford)
Have you ever felt all alone in this big world? Most of the time it feels as if we are separate from everyone else and that no one understands. The truth is that we are not separate but connected. Ford, in The Consciousness Cleanse, insists that we must embrace our connection with each other and the divine. She says that, "...denying your divinity will cause you to act out in ways that you never intended." This is because the human "I" cannot feel worthy enough of expressing the greatness of God's gifts. These gifts need to be shared amongst each other to ignite a light inside of each soul that comes across your path, says Debbie.
Believe in your divinity and your connection with God. We are not alone. We can bless and thank God for working through us. I have the gift of including people in conversations, making sure that everyone feels loved and important. What gift do you have and share with the world? What are the gifts of others that have made an impact on you? We are all connected and all have gifts to share with each other. We are all on the same journey just different paths. Remember we can rely on God for guidance and clarity.
Believe in your divinity and your connection with God. We are not alone. We can bless and thank God for working through us. I have the gift of including people in conversations, making sure that everyone feels loved and important. What gift do you have and share with the world? What are the gifts of others that have made an impact on you? We are all connected and all have gifts to share with each other. We are all on the same journey just different paths. Remember we can rely on God for guidance and clarity.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 32: The Light of Devotion (Cleanse, Ford)
Devotion takes rejuvenation, every day. It needs your decision to choose to be aware of the light within you and to make the right choices for your path. Debbie, in The Consciousness Cleanse, states that, "Devotion has you shift your priorities from an outer-driven life to an inner-inspired life." It is your devotion that will lead you along your personal purpose in this life.
Moving forward on your path requires new action according to the present and not the past. Before, when you used to live based upon your past, is different from now on. The choice is to be devoted to this moment, this day, to be your highest self, your "most vibrant expression" says Debbie.
I choose to be devoted today to my health (drink less, exercise more), spirit (listen and pray more) and my family (spend more quality time).
Moving forward on your path requires new action according to the present and not the past. Before, when you used to live based upon your past, is different from now on. The choice is to be devoted to this moment, this day, to be your highest self, your "most vibrant expression" says Debbie.
I choose to be devoted today to my health (drink less, exercise more), spirit (listen and pray more) and my family (spend more quality time).
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day 31: The light of God's will (Cleanse, Ford)
"God has a plan for you, I can promise you that. It's not that you're special, and it's not that you're not special. It's that your life is sacred. There is and always has been a path for your soul, and if you follow that path, it will lead you to the inner utopia that your soul longs to experience in this lifetime." says Debbie as she explains the importance of our existence. Everything you do not only affects you but everyone else too. Its similar to the idea that if you share a smile with a stranger then they pass it on and so on. Eventually reaching the other side of the world to a small girl who has just been abandoned by her father who desperately needs to know that there are people who care for her. This may be an extreme example, but you probably get the picture. All that we do affects everyone else. Your role is important. Debbie encourages us to follow your path by following God's will for your life and not your ego's will.
I had lunch with my mom today and we were discussing that to be truly fulfilled we need to be connected to spirit. We need to be living in the moment because that is when we are truly connected to all. Mostly, we need to love ourselves because when we do everything falls into place. All of your expectations of others giving you what you need (ie. love) falls away because you are fulfilling your own need of love. When we get our feelings hurt it's usually because we are disappointed in someone for not fulfilling our expectations and need for love. Instead of relying on someone else for that love why not rely on yourself and your source for that love? You have the power, right now, to provide for yourself what you cannot receive from others.
I had lunch with my mom today and we were discussing that to be truly fulfilled we need to be connected to spirit. We need to be living in the moment because that is when we are truly connected to all. Mostly, we need to love ourselves because when we do everything falls into place. All of your expectations of others giving you what you need (ie. love) falls away because you are fulfilling your own need of love. When we get our feelings hurt it's usually because we are disappointed in someone for not fulfilling our expectations and need for love. Instead of relying on someone else for that love why not rely on yourself and your source for that love? You have the power, right now, to provide for yourself what you cannot receive from others.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 30: The Future: The light of Realization (Cleanse, Ford)
For the past seven days Debbie has been teaching us how to dig into our present life and take out all the negative thought patterns and habits in our lives so we can make room for our future. She says that, "Now you are ready to reseed your sacred garden-to deliberately and purposefully encode your consciousness with fresh, high-vibration thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and images." We can now begin to lay the groundwork of a life we have always dreamed about. That's the beauty of the future, points out Debbie, that it is right now.
Day 1 of "The Future": The light of Realization
This can be done by consciously committing to the "moment-by-moment practice of choosing higher states of awareness." says Debbie. There is a choice made if you will be happy or sad, regretful or hopeful, joyous or depressed. All you need to do is be aware and make the choice to live at your highest state. We are to pick three frequencies to lay the foundation of our future. I choose compassion, free-will and kindness. What three do you choose?
Day 1 of "The Future": The light of Realization
This can be done by consciously committing to the "moment-by-moment practice of choosing higher states of awareness." says Debbie. There is a choice made if you will be happy or sad, regretful or hopeful, joyous or depressed. All you need to do is be aware and make the choice to live at your highest state. We are to pick three frequencies to lay the foundation of our future. I choose compassion, free-will and kindness. What three do you choose?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day 29: The Power of Truth (Cleanse, Ford)
Often we hear some insight and we vow to practice it and become the best person we know ourselves to be. We begin to practice for a day but then find ourselves in a negative mood once again. How come we can't stay connected to our higher selves at all times? We know it's right and it feels good but it just seems impossible. When our lives start to take over our thoughts we are forgetting our truth and succumbing to old thought patterns and behaviors says Debbie in The Consciousness Cleanse. To find our truth we need to know our truth. Look at what is going right in your life and what isn't. Are you in a rut and focusing only on the negative aspects of your life? The truth is that we have positive and negative aspects to our lives including all the gray areas. To find your truth begin looking at every part. Find out your truth.
A lie that I believe to be true is that Nate thinks the worst of me. The truth is that he does not. He reminds me of this little lie I continue to believe but then I quickly forget after a day. Debbie says the reason we forget is due to laziness. We must keep trying to remember and live the truth. I have drawn a sun on my hand to remind me to look at the bright side when I am with Nate; that he does not think the worst of me. What lies are you holding onto? And why not begin believing in the truth?
A lie that I believe to be true is that Nate thinks the worst of me. The truth is that he does not. He reminds me of this little lie I continue to believe but then I quickly forget after a day. Debbie says the reason we forget is due to laziness. We must keep trying to remember and live the truth. I have drawn a sun on my hand to remind me to look at the bright side when I am with Nate; that he does not think the worst of me. What lies are you holding onto? And why not begin believing in the truth?
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 28: The Power of the Present (Cleanse, Ford)
Being present in this moment can be difficult. Our thoughts are constantly trying to take us back or forward in time. It can be exhausting. Have you ever been completely present in the moment of now? It feels peaceful. All you have to do is be aware of everything you are doing in this moment. What are you touching with your hands, smelling with your nose, tasting with your mouth? Being aware of your senses will help to bring you into the present. Debbie says that, "Your mind is at rest because there is nowhere else to go and nothing else to do. There is no past to haunt you or pull you backward, And there is no future to wish for or fantasies to maintain." Being completely present means that you are not in denial, not pretending and not avoiding anything in your life says Debbie. If we are to deal with what is right now, then we don't need to carry any past sorrow or pain with us because it would have been dealt with at that moment. We won't need to worry about the future because we will trust that we will be able to deal with it at that moment. This moment is precious.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 27: The Power of Risk (Cleanse, Ford)
My dad used to say that if you don't like the way something is right now, wait, and it will change. This is a guarantee. Debbie says that, "...things will not be the same tomorrow as they are today." You have the ability to make real change in your life or mundane changes. You can choose to eat the same meals every week, wake up at the same time everyday, read a book before bedtime every night etc. There is nothing wrong with any of these things but how risky are they? With risk comes real change states Debbie. Risk is not to be feared but embraced. Have you noticed when you do something for the first time how much fun and exciting it is? That's because you are taking a risk of doing something you have never experienced before. In the end you have grown and made a real change in your life. Debbie challenges us to ask ourselves today, "What can I do that is different?" instead of "What can I do that is the same today?" The goal is that with risk you will feel happier, healthier and more fulfilled.
I have a daily routine just as you probably do also. It works but I am intrigued by this notion. Tonight I was going to read a little in my apartment. Instead I'm going to go to the lobby of my apartment and read on the couch they have there. I'm already excited. I think it will be a nice change and a risk since it's not in the safety of my own place. I think tomorrow I will wear my hair in a pony tail just for a change. It's true that when we switch it up life is a little more exciting and fun. What can you do differently?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 26: The Power of Acceptance (Cleanse, Ford)
Debbie starts out saying that, "To live powerfully in the present, you must be able to accept life as it is today." Accepting what is occurring now is the next step in the Consciousness Cleanse. Remember, we do not have to do any of this alone as we learned in the last chapter of the power of humility. All we need to do is ask our source for guidance and counseling. There are two steps to accepting the present moment, states Debbie; your past is your past and it will never be anything different; shit happens and there is nothing you can do about it. "Accepting these truths is a part of becoming an emotionally responsible adult and a humble servant of the divine." Debbie reminds us. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth.
A struggle I'm going through right now is how to deal with Nate's mood from work when I get home. He works from home while I work at an office. I have a 30 minute drive to unwind from the day's work while he has zero. I have a hard time dealing with his "bad" mood. I've tried joking, ignoring, sympathizing, listening but it still gets to me that he can't just snap out of it once the computer is turned off. I know it's not fair for me to have such a large expectation on his behavior but, I do. I let his mood affect my mood. I try so hard to be positive when I get home so we can enjoy our evening. Why can't he do the same? Debbie's answer is that shit happens. I can't change him. I need to take responsibility for my own feelings, thoughts and actions. I need to ask my source for guidance in this situation. Maybe instead of trying so hard to change him I will just let him be and I will just be as I am in my mood. Let's see what happens...
A struggle I'm going through right now is how to deal with Nate's mood from work when I get home. He works from home while I work at an office. I have a 30 minute drive to unwind from the day's work while he has zero. I have a hard time dealing with his "bad" mood. I've tried joking, ignoring, sympathizing, listening but it still gets to me that he can't just snap out of it once the computer is turned off. I know it's not fair for me to have such a large expectation on his behavior but, I do. I let his mood affect my mood. I try so hard to be positive when I get home so we can enjoy our evening. Why can't he do the same? Debbie's answer is that shit happens. I can't change him. I need to take responsibility for my own feelings, thoughts and actions. I need to ask my source for guidance in this situation. Maybe instead of trying so hard to change him I will just let him be and I will just be as I am in my mood. Let's see what happens...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Day 25: The Power of Humility (Cleanse, Ford)
Being humble is usually not an easy trait to behold. We all are prideful in some way in different areas. To be humble is to admit that I cannot do it all on my own. I need help from another source other than myself. I usually feel a resistance inside my chest when I just think about asking someone else for help (but only in certain areas). First, I like to try things on my own and then if I am struggling, maybe, ask for help. I find that when I do ask for help it is a benefit and a big help! The next step in the Consciousness Cleanse is to ask for help from your source. Debbie says that, "You will need to ask for assistance and for courage." In order to continue on this cleanse we must stop managing our personal thoughts, beliefs and actions and instead be guided by the source that is greater than ourselves.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Day 24: The Power of Responsibility (Cleanse, Ford)
Taking responsibility is the beginning of taking care of your needs and not depending on anyone else to do that for you. You are responsible for loving you and protecting you. Debbie says that "the only business that is yours is discerning what is God's business. God's business is the deliverance of the soul's highest expression." You can take care of yourself better than anyone else can.
This rings clear to me. When I am not feeling good emotionally (ie. sad, angry, frustrated) it's usually because I'm not taking care of my needs; I'm waiting on someone else to guess what my needs are, fulfill them and make me feel good. Many times I sacrifice my needs because I'm waiting for someone else to take care of them for me. How is someone else supposed to know how to fulfill my needs and to love me the way I need to be loved. One may come close but never completely. I need to take responsibility for myself and so do you.
This rings clear to me. When I am not feeling good emotionally (ie. sad, angry, frustrated) it's usually because I'm not taking care of my needs; I'm waiting on someone else to guess what my needs are, fulfill them and make me feel good. Many times I sacrifice my needs because I'm waiting for someone else to take care of them for me. How is someone else supposed to know how to fulfill my needs and to love me the way I need to be loved. One may come close but never completely. I need to take responsibility for myself and so do you.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Day 23: The Present- Liberation! (Cleanse, Ford)
Yay! The first 7 days of the Consciousness Cleanse are complete. Now, we can focus on the present. Debbie says that one core truth that is vital to know is that, "all suffering is rooted in misperception." It's possible that you believe that life should be better than today. That you should be better, different or more than what you are right now. This only causes dissatisfaction within yourself and takes you away from the present moment, the only moment you have. To join the future we must give up the past, including all negative internal dialogue. The present is the time to plant healing and holy seeds within our consciousness. Let yourself know that you are a marvelous, beautiful being.
Know that there is liberation for you. All you need to do is let go of the past and trust in God (your higher power). There is a field of infinite possibilities for you, says Debbie. You are liberated from your past and a fantastic future awaits you.
Know that there is liberation for you. All you need to do is let go of the past and trust in God (your higher power). There is a field of infinite possibilities for you, says Debbie. You are liberated from your past and a fantastic future awaits you.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day 22: The Gift of Self-Acknowledgment (Cleanse, Ford)
In order to honor yourself you must acknowledge yourself. The way to do this is by celebrating yourself says Debbie. What is your next, greatest, evolution of yourself? What have you accomplished so far that you should celebrate about yourself? It's usually tough to do this but so often we praise others for their accomplishments. Why not your own, more often?
In order to celebrate myself and honor myself, which isn't the easiest thing to do, I would like to say that I am very pleased with my dedication to this blog and the hard work I have been putting in at work. I am pleased that I am conscientious about my character and strive to be a better person everyday. Phew! I made it public. What can you acknowledge yourself for?
In order to celebrate myself and honor myself, which isn't the easiest thing to do, I would like to say that I am very pleased with my dedication to this blog and the hard work I have been putting in at work. I am pleased that I am conscientious about my character and strive to be a better person everyday. Phew! I made it public. What can you acknowledge yourself for?
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